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Introduction to TV Advertising What do advertisements do?

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2 Introduction to TV Advertising

3 What do advertisements do?

4 Raison d’etre of advertising Without advertising, people do not have a lot to base their decision on. People say that they’re not influenced by advertising, but if there were no advertising and someone walked into a store and was confronted by 200,000 brands in various categories, how would he decide? Would he decide on the basis of the name that appealed to him the most? The colour of the package? Advertising gives people information that helps them make better decisions. John Ferrell Young & Rubican

5 TV Advertisements In television there is the difference [from print advertising] that results from having a captive audience to start with, You can jump right into the selling copy without having to snag attention first. The attention is there, so you go directly into the interest and desire-building process. Tricky wind-ups and abstruse lead-ins are a waste of valuable time in TV commercials. Additionally, in television, you have the added dimension of sound and motion to help. George Gallup Gallup & Robinson, Inc.

6 The Good, The Bad & The Ugly What works? Why does it work? How does it work? What doesn’t work? Why does it fail? How can it be better?

7 Four Methods of Persuasion 1. Dissonance Model create mental discomfort by presenting information inconsistent with current attitudes, beliefs, values or behaviour effective for public service messages HOW TO MOTIVATE THE AUDIENCE

8 Anti-Fur Campaign Poster

9 Child Abuse Prevention Campaign

10 Four Methods of Persuasion 2. Using Audience Needs people are motivated by unmet needs refer to needs identified in Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs HOW TO MOTIVATE THE AUDIENCE



13 Anti Drink Driving Campaign

14 Four Methods of Persuasion 3. Using Positive Motivation suggest that good things will happen if the advice is heeded know what most people value, i.e. a comfortable life, stimulating and exciting activity, world-community peace and personal happiness HOW TO MOTIVATE THE AUDIENCE

15 Four Methods of Persuasion 4. Using Negative Motivation appeal to fear (e.g. loss of/ harm to loved ones) threat that is real and imminent empower audience to act to overcome negative consequence HOW TO MOTIVATE THE AUDIENCE

16 IL-Logic in Persuasion Appeal to Pity: use of emotive language Appeal to Misplaced Authority: celebrity endorsement Bandwagon Fallacy: it must be correct/desirable since everyone believes it to be so Either/Or Fallacy: oversimplification of issue by presenting only two approaches to the issue Non Sequitur: it does not follow

17 Final Considerations

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