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HOW CONGRESS WORKS MBMS 2012 K. Stafford. Basic Layout of Congress  During the Constitutional Convention major debate on how to represent the people.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW CONGRESS WORKS MBMS 2012 K. Stafford. Basic Layout of Congress  During the Constitutional Convention major debate on how to represent the people."— Presentation transcript:


2 Basic Layout of Congress  During the Constitutional Convention major debate on how to represent the people of the nation.  Great Compromise ( who created?!?) decided on a 2 house or Bicameral Legislature made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate

3 Basic Layout of Congress  House of Representatives- the lower house of Congress, consisting of a different number of representatives from each state, depending on population  Senate- the upper of house of Congress, consisting of two representatives from each state.

4 Basic Layout of Congress  Congress meets for sessions that last for two years.  Congressional Sessions start on Jan 3 rd of Odd Years ( Jan 3 rd 2013)

5 House of Representatives  Currently has 435 members  Lower house of Congress  Two year terms  Based on Population Florida Congressional District 2 Representative Steve Southerland ( Bay County’s)

6 Senate  100 members  Upper house of Congress  6 year terms, no limits  Equal Representation  2 Senators per state

7 Senate Florida Senator Marco Rubio Republican Florida Senator Bill Nelson Democrat

8 Congressional Leadership House of RepresentativesSenate Leader: Speaker of the HouseLeader: Vice President and Pro Tempore in VP’s Absence Speaker of House chosen by Majority Party of House of Representatives Pro Tempore chosen by Majority Party of Senate 3 rd in line for President4 th in line for President Speaker of House John Boehner Republican Pro Tempore Patrick Leahy Democrat

9 Legislative Powers  Expressed Powers- a power that is listed explicitly(clearly) for the US Congress  These can be found in Article I of the Constitution  18 clearly stated powers  E.G. Coining Money, Declare War, Establish Post Offices ect.

10 Implied Powers  Implied Power- powers that Congress has that are not stated explicitly(clearly) in the Constitution  The source of this power is the Elastic Clause  Elastic Clause- Article I Section 8 of cons’t gives Congress right to make all laws ‘necessary and proper’ to carry out expressed powers  E.G. Collect taxes for infrastructure(roads) and Social Programs(welfare), having a standing army gives Congress right to have Drafts for service.

11 Congressional Powers and Limits  Non-legislative Powers- duty Congress holds besides lawmaking  Suggesting amendments to Constitution  Senate approves or rejects Presidential Appointments (Supreme Court Justices, Federal Judges, Ambassadors)  Can impeach any federal official in serious wrongdoing

12 Impeachments in US History Impeached for Perjury (lying under oath) Found not Guilty Impeached for Violating the Tenure of Office Act Found not Guilty

13 Congressional Powers and Limits  Framers of Constitution wanted to ensure that Congress would not abuse its powers so it placed certain limits on it  Congress can not block the Writ of Habeas Corpus  Writ of Habeas Corpus- a court order that requires police to bring a prisoner to court to explain why they are holding the person.  Violated 5 th Amendment protection of Due Process

14 Habeas Corpus Document Signed by President Lincoln Suspending Habeas Corpus during Civil War Political Cartoon Commenting on President Bush’s Suspension of Habeas Corpus

15 Congressional Powers and Limits Both of these are violations of your Due Process under the V Amendment  Bill of Attainder- a law that punishes a person accused of a crime without a trial or a fair hearing in court  Ex Post Facto Law- a law that allows a person to be punished for an action that was not against the law when it was committed

16 Congressional Requirements House of RepresentativesSenate 25 years old30 years old Must live in the state you plan to represent Must be a US Citizen for 7 yearsMust be a US Citizen for 9 years

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