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Activities of JSPS 11 December, 2009 At Embassy of Poland The Science Forum Poland-Japan 2009 11 December, 2009 At Embassy of Poland The Science Forum.

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Presentation on theme: "Activities of JSPS 11 December, 2009 At Embassy of Poland The Science Forum Poland-Japan 2009 11 December, 2009 At Embassy of Poland The Science Forum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Activities of JSPS 11 December, 2009 At Embassy of Poland The Science Forum Poland-Japan 2009 11 December, 2009 At Embassy of Poland The Science Forum Poland-Japan 2009 Mami OYAMA Director, International Program Department, JSPS

2 OUTLINE OF THE PRESENTATION 1.JSPS at a Glance 2.JSPS’s International Programs and its collaboration with Poland 2

3 Ⅰ JSPS at a glance 3

4 1. JSPS at a Glance 1-1 Major Functions of JSPS 1-2 Budget of JSPS 1-3 Organization 1-4 Grants-in-Aid Support for Curiosity-driven Research 1-5 Grants-in-Aid Applications and Selections 1-6 Promoting University Reform 4

5 Funding research initiatives Fostering next generation of scientists Advancing international collaborations Promoting university reform C ompetitive research funding: Grants-in-Aid Research fellowships for young scientists Collaborations with overseas partners Joint programs with Ministry of Education and Science 1-1. Major Functions of JSPS 5

6 222.6 203.8 198.5 191.1 Grants-in- Aid for Scientific Research (Billion Zloty) Unit: Billion yen 205.7 240.6 (6.4) (6.6) (6.8) (6.9) (7.4) (8.0) 1-2. Budgets of JSPS ※ 1 PLN ≒ 30 JPY 6 249.0 (8.3) (FY)

7 JSPS Organization President: Motoyuki Ono Executive Director: Naoki Murata Executive Director: Makoto Kobayashi Inspector Generals: Katsumi Aida Michihisa Kyoto Executives 1-3. JSPS Organization 7 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics

8 Curiosity-driven research Mission-oriented research Priority Research Scientist- initiated research National projects Openly recruited projects on ministry- endorsed topics Institutionally targeted research Competitively funded research Grants-in-aid Position of Grants-in-Aid within government’s research framework Projects using university’s basic research funds 1-4. Grants-in-Aid Support for Curiosity-driven Research 57,000 projects for FY2008 (new + ongoing) 8

9 Fiscal Year 2002200320042005200620072008 Selection ratio (%) 24.623.724.824.023.524.322.7 Selected Newly applied 1-5. Grants-in-Aid Applications and Selections 9 (FY)

10 World Premier International Research Center Initiative Global COE Program Program for Enhancing Systematic Education in Graduate Schools Strategic Fund for Establishing International Headquarters in Universities Internationalization- oriented 1-6. Promoting University Reform 10 Program for promoting University Education - Enhancing the Quality of University Research and Education - Project for Establishing Core Universities for Internationalization ("Global 30")

11 11 Ⅱ JSPS International Programs and its collaboration with Poland

12 2. JSPS International Programs 2-1. Objectives 2-2. Program schemes based on the configuration of research collaboration 2-3. Number of Researchers Exchanged between Japan and Poland 2-4. Introduction of programs 2-5. Introduction of JSPS overseas offices 12

13 2-1. Objectives of International Programs Respond to global advances in scientific research Create a world-standard research environment capable of amassing excellent researchers from both Japan and overseas Elevate the international competitiveness of scientific research conducted in Japan Foster young researchers who can play active roles within the international scientific community Support researchers from developing countries and contribute to fostering young researchers in these countries 13

14 Core-to-Core Program International Training Program Joint Research Projects Joint Research Seminars Postdoctoral Fellowships Invitation Fellowships Scientist Exchanges INSTITUTION To INSTITUTION To INSTITUTION GROUP To GROUP To GROUP INDIVIDUALS 2-2. Program schemes based on the configuration of research collaboration

15 15 2-3. Number of Researchers Exchanged 1083 726 1124 1233 1396 3976 5989 4571 52425164 938 991 1418 1464 4663 6117 4549 5954 5713 1527 FY2006FY2007FY2008 513951 FY2006FY2007FY2008 133033 ◆ to Poland ◆ from Poland

16 Nobel Prize level Mid career 1 - 2 years 500 Fellows /Year (Long-Term) 2 -10 months About 80 (Short-Term) 14-60 days About 300 Fellowship Programs to Japan 6 years after Ph.D.Professor Career Stages of Researchers Postdoctoral Fellowships (Standard) Invitation fellowships For Research in Japan Award for Eminent Scientists Ph.D. 16 2-5 (1) Collaborations between INDIVIDUALS Postdoctoral Fellowships (Short-term) 1 – 12 months About 150 2-5. Introduction of the programs 31 researchers from Poland in FY2008 Ph.D. Courses

17 17 ◆ Nomination Quota to Poland Counterpart Agency Counterpart Agency Program Current Allocation FY2006FY2007FY2008 PANPostdoctoral Fellowships 3333 Fellowship Programs (From Poland to Japan) FY2006FY2007FY2008 Postdoctoral Fellowships (Standard, Short) 242725 Invitation Fellowships (Short-term) 225 Invitation Fellowships (Long-term) 111 Total 273031 2-5 (1) Collaborations between INDIVIDUALS

18 Fellowship Programs from Japan 18 Japanese young researchers  ・ Started from 1982  ・ Target: Young researchers (less than 34 years old)  ・ Recruitment (FY2008) : 141  ・ Tenure: 2 years 2-5 (1) Collaborations between INDIVIDUALS

19  Look toward the future of the selected fields  Provide young researchers with an opportunity to receive lectures from and engage in discussions with leading experts Agreement JSPS ESF Japanese Co-chair European Co-chair Japanese Speakers European Speakers Japanese Participants European Participants (Held once a year alternately in Japan and Europe) Theme ESF-JSPS Frontier Science Conference Series for Young Researchers OBJECTIVE 2-5 (1) Collaborations between INDIVIDUALS

20 Joint Research Projects Scientific Seminars Scientist Exchanges Joint Staff Meetings and/or routine communications 2-5 (1)(2) Collaboration between INDIVIDUALS/GROUPS Bilateral Cooperation Based on MoUs JSPS Counterpart Agency MoU Japanese Researchers Overseas Researchers Overseas Researchers Proposal Support Proposal Support 63 agencies in 40 countries 20

21 21 Bilateral Programs between JSPS and Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) Program FY2006FY2007FY2008 Joint Research Projects234 Scientific Seminars111 Scientist Exchanges (From Japan to Poland)122 Scientist Exchanges (From Poland to Japan)666 2-5 (1)(2) Collaboration between INDIVIDUALS/GROUPS

22  Promote International Collaboration in Cutting-edge Fields and Create World-class Research Hubs  Foster Young Researchers through Networking among the Most Advanced Research Institutions in Japan and Other Countries 2-5 (3) INSTITUTION To INSTITUTION Collaborations JSPS Core-to-Core Program OBJECTIVE FUNDING  \10-30 M (0.3-1M Zloty) a year per project x 2-5 years Cooperating Institutions Core Institution Joint Research Seminar Partner Country (A)Japan Partner Country(B) Mutual support JSPS Partner Agency 22

23 JSPS Japanese University Organizational support to Young Researchers A Univ. D Company C Research Institution B Univ. select/support (Up to20 M JPY (670 K PLN) a year per project x 5 years) Overseas Partner Institutions ・ Joint research projects ・ Educational programs ・ Internships select/support - Information exchange - Multi-funding Overseas Funding Agencies Overseas Funding Agencies 23 International Training Program (ITP) 2-5 (3) INSTITUTION To INSTITUTION Collaborations

24 24 ITP with Poland 1 project started in FY2007 2-5 (3) INSTITUTION To INSTITUTION Collaborations Year Research Theme Principal University in Japan Overseas Partner Institutes in Poland Other Overseas Participating countries FY2007 Collaboration Project with the EU Erasmus Mundus Program for the Internationalized Education and Research of Basic Science Osaka University The Polish Academy of Sciences Holland,UK, Germany, France Year Research Theme Principal University in Japan Overseas Partner Institutes in Poland Other Overseas Participating countries FY2008 The international sending- elevating project for young mathematicians based on singularity, topology and mathematical analysis: Hokudai model Hokkaido University The Polish Academy of Sciences China, Korea, Taiwan,Spain, Singapore, Italy, UK, France, Brazil, USA ・1 project started in FY2008

25 by Researcher Overseas Visit Fund 7.6 billion JPY ( 84 million USD/ 56 million EUR) -Send young researchers to foreign countries intensively and responding quickly to the research trends and requirements. -Increase opportunities for young researchers including undergraduate and graduate students to conduct research in foreign research institutes and strengthen cooperative ties of universities and research institutes between Japan and foreign countries. -Foster human resources who will upgrade Japan’s global competitiveness. International Research Experience for Students and Young Researchers Objectives Programs Support research institutes to offer undergraduate/graduate students and young researchers opportunities to go abroad for research activities. Eligibility: undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, research associates, assistant profs etc. Tenure: around 3 months (max 1 year) Excellent Young Researcher Overseas Visit Program Institutional Program for Young Researcher Overseas Visits Send young researchers to research institutes in foreign countries and provide them with opportunities to experience research with foreign researchers. Eligibility: permanent research staffs ( including assistant prof ) and young researchers supported Tenure: 90 days or more by JSPS Research Fellowships

26 26 JSPS Stockholm Office JSPS Bangkok Office JSPS TOKYO JSPS San Francisco Office JSPS Washington Office JSPS Cairo Research Station JSPS London Office JSPS Nairobi Research Station JSPS Beijing Office 2-5. JSPS Overseas Offices JSPS Strasbourg Office JSPS Bonn Office

27 For the more information, visit our website or sign up for our new e-mail newsletters. ●JSPS International Collaborations ●JSPS Monthly Reference 27

28 Thank you!

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