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Geometry Unit. Identify the following shapes Important Definitions O Parallelogram: a four sided plane with opposite parallel sides. O Trapezoid: a quadrilateral.

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Presentation on theme: "Geometry Unit. Identify the following shapes Important Definitions O Parallelogram: a four sided plane with opposite parallel sides. O Trapezoid: a quadrilateral."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geometry Unit

2 Identify the following shapes

3 Important Definitions O Parallelogram: a four sided plane with opposite parallel sides. O Trapezoid: a quadrilateral with only one pair of sides that are parallel.

4 More definitions O Square: a quadrilateral with all four sides equal and parallel and four right angles O Rectangle: a quadrilateral with four right angles, and opposite sides are equal.

5 Think about it…….. O Are all squares rectangles??? O All squares are rectangles but all rectangles are not all squares.......

6 Rhombus or Kite?? O What is the difference in a Rhombus and a kite? Although a rhombus is a type of parallelogram, whereas a kite is not, they are similar in that their sides have important properties. Recall that all four sides of a rhombus are congruent. Kites, on the other hand, have exactly two pairs of consecutive sides that are congruent.

7 Rhombus or Kite??

8 A few more definitions ….. O Quadrilateral: A polygon with four sides. O Polygon: a figure that has 3 or more sides that are straight and the figure is closed…..

9 All about Triangles….. O Triangle is a polygon with three sides. O There are different types of triangles. We also name triangles by their angle and side lengths…..

10 Naming a triangle by angle…. O Obtuse Triangles: have a least one obtuse angle…….. (obtuse is bigger than 90 degrees)

11 Naming a triangle by angle … O Acute triangle: An acute triangle has 3 acute angles.

12 Naming triangles by angle O Right Triangle has one angle is exactly 90 degrees.

13 Naming triangles by side lengths O Equilateral- all sides are equal O Isosceles triangle- two sides are equal O Scalene triangle- all sides are different

14 Practice naming Triangles O Naming Triangles by angles and sides is also known as classifying triangles Click here for practice

15 Goals for upcoming test O Find the area of all shapes O Find the volume of all 3D shapes O Find the surface area of all 3D shapes

16 Area O Area is how much space is in a 2D shape….so like filling in a shape or coloring it in.

17 Area

18 Click here for practice

19 Decomposing shapes 1. On your paper Draw a rectangle 2. Draw a diagonal line dividing the rectangle in half. What two shapes make up the rectangle??

20 Decomposing shapes 1. Draw a parallelogram on your paper 2. Draw a diagonal line dividing up your parallelogram What shapes make up a parallelogram??

21 Area of Triangles Since Triangles are half of parallelograms, squares, and rectangles use that knowledge and see if you can find the area of the triangle below:

22 Try this one…..

23 Area of a Triangle Click here for practice with area of triangle

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