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Working Group on Surface Fluxes Legacy Issues Elizabeth Kent National Oceanography Centre, Southampton.

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1 Working Group on Surface Fluxes Legacy Issues Elizabeth Kent National Oceanography Centre, Southampton

2 WGSF Legacy Issues  Already in legacy period - so considering shorter term  Groups/organisations with ongoing interests in surface fluxes include:  GEWEX SEAFLUX Baseline Surface Radiation Network Also others including LandFLUX, GPCP, ISCCP, SRB  OceanSITES: Flux reference measurements  SAMOS/IMOS etc: Routine measurements from RVs  US CLIVAR High Latitude Surface Flux Working Group  IGBP/SOLAS

3 WGSF Legacy Issues: What is being covered and what may fall between the gaps?  Radiation  Land radiation measurement/monitoring by BSRN  Expansion to marine measurement is being done by individuals  Physical air-sea fluxes  Satellite air-sea fluxes are covered by SEAFLUX  SOLAS has focus 2 on the physical fluxes, but most activity e.g. all new initiatives in mid-term strategy and task teams are on the biogeochemistry  Precipitation  Satellite precipitation covered by GPCP and others  Measurement of marine precip. remains problematic and efforts to improve things remain ad hoc  Gases/aerosols/dust  SOLAS

4 WGSF Legacy Issues: What is being covered and what may fall between the gaps?  Process studies / parameterisation  SOLAS has provided a framework for biogeochemical fluxes  Physical flux process measurement often on individual scientist/research group basis  Sustained flux measurements  OceanSITES is ongoing  Routine RV measurements may need to be co-ordinated internationally to build on the examples of good practice we already have (e.g. SAMOS/ IMOS)

5 WGSF Legacy Issues: What is being covered and what may fall between the gaps?  Gridded flux datasets  Some datasets now have uncertainty estimates  SEAFLUX provides a portal for satellite physical flux products  No common portal for all types of flux products  Lack of information on characteristics and suitability  Model fluxes  SURFA project and portal set up  Interactions between observationalists and modellers probably need to improve  Data management  No common access to measured flux data  International data centre structure risks splitting flux-related variables

6 WGSF legacy issues include:  Improve radiation measurement at sea, maintain links to BSRN  A co-ordinated approach to precipitation measurement at sea is needed to make progress  Lack of co-ordination for physical flux process studies & parameterisation improvement  Co-ordination of routine measurement by research and selected commercial vessels needed internationally  Interaction with modellers needs to be increased  Access to flux products needs to be improved  Guidance on suitability of flux products not typically available  Aggregation of, and common access to, flux measurements and improved data management highly beneficial

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