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Presentation on theme: "INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP TEAM CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLANNING JUNE 7, 2016."— Presentation transcript:


2 TODAY’S OUTCOMES 1. Work with peers to continue development of 2016-17 campus improvement plans and prepare for leading campus teams in completing the work 2. Provide a presentation template and model for the book review activity during summer administrative conference

3 DIP/CIP TIMELINE (updated) June 7, 2016 - Principals receive draft District Improvement Plan (DIP) and continue work on Campus Improvement Plans (CIPs). June 15, 2016 - District receives grades 3-8 STAAR results, updates are made to comprehensive needs assessment. July 28, 2016 - Draft DIP presented at Board of Trustees meeting for first read. August 1, 2016 - Principals submit CIPs to Laura Holt, Cindy Dubuis, David Holland for initial compliance review. (Earlier is better) August 12, 2016 - CIPs returned to principals for corrections.

4 DIP/CIP TIMELINE (UPDATED) August 19, 2016 - Principals complete updates to CIPs in plan4learning. August 25, 2016 - Draft DIP presented at Board of Trustees meeting for second read. Draft CIPs presented at Board of Trustees meeting for first read. September 12, 2016 - Draft DIP presented to TEE for input and possible approval. September 22, 2016 - Possible DIP approval at Board of Trustees meeting. Draft CIPs presented at Board of Trustees meeting for second read. October 27, 2016 - Possible approval of CIPs at Board of Trustees meeting.

5 DIP GOALS Goal 1: All students will achieve their full potential by taking ownership of their learning and setting high academic goals. Goal 2: All students and staff will demonstrate personal responsibility and integrity reflective of noble character by using their unique gifts and talents as productive members of the global community. Goal 3: All students and staff will learn and work in a safe and responsive environment. Goal 4: All levels of the organization will systematically improve performance by increasing efficiency and effectiveness of operations. Today’s focus

6 THE CURRENT PLAN New Performance Objectives this year Funding sources in campus plans Include resources needed, expected campus expenditures, and funding sources for each strategy Broadened scope of strategies

7 THE CURRENT PLAN New since March Strategic Plan Alignment

8 THE CURRENT PLAN Goals 2 and 3 – Mostly New Objectives, Strategies Goal 4 – Deleted

9 GOAL 1 PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES 1.1. Increase performance on Index 1 (Student Achievement) of the state accountability system by 5 points over 2016. (District in 2015 = 81) 1.2. Increase performance on Index 2 (Student Progress) of the state accountability system by 5 points over 2016. (2015 = 36) 1.3. Increase performance on Index 3 (Closing Performance Gaps) of the state accountability system by 5 points over 2016. (2015 = 43) 1.4. Increase performance on Index 4 (Postsecondary Readiness) of the state accountability system by 5 points over 2016. (2015 = 72) Note: campus may modify 1.5. Increase the total number of campus distinction designations earned by 10% as compared to 2016. (2015 = 80) Note: campus may modify

10 GOAL 2 PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES 2.1. By the end of the 2016-2017 school year, 100% of classrooms will develop and monitor class goals in the area of character development using the CORE values. 2.2. By the end of the 2016-2017 school year, every campus will establish goals for student participation in community service projects. 2.3. All students will participate in school and community activities, including co- and extra-curricular, that extend their learning and enhance leadership development.

11 GOAL 3 PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES 3.1. Reduce the number of recommendations or increase the number of commendations identified in district-wide safety audit as compared to prior audit results. 3.2. Reduce the amount of time students are removed from the regular classroom due to disciplinary placements. 3.3. Increase the percentage of students and staff who report feeling safe at school. 3.4. Reduce the number of accidents resulting in workers' compensation claims and lost work days each year. 3.5. The district will meet all compliance requirements for improvement planning.

12 EXPECTATIONS FOR CAMPUS PLANS - Reminder Perform a Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) including summary, strengths, needs (OFIs), and data sources (Data Documentation) Demographics Student and staff background (see 2015 TAPR or Fall 2015 PEIMS reports) Attendance, discipline, dropout/graduation Student Achievement State accountability, including indexes, distinctions, and safeguards State assessments (STAAR, TELPAS) Other assessments (STAR Reading/Math, CBAs, SAT/ACT/PSAT/AP) Identify key areas of focus for 2016-2017 Title I campuses must identify areas where expenditures are planned

13 STATE COMP ED REQUIREMENTS Identify personnel funded by State Comp Ed in plan4learning. Identify State Comp Ed as the funding source for strategies addressing work of interventionists. Specific amounts not required.

14 TITLE I REQUIREMENTS Indicate expenditures for supplies, materials, training, or tutoring Align the needs assessment with the areas in which Title I funds are spent Include the number of the appropriate Title component for each Strategy Complete the Title I Personnel portion in Plan4Learning

15 LAST TIME – March ILT Study and Circle Study DIP strategy and actions Circle key words Decide and Write Decide: Keep district strategy Change wording in district strategy Make action into strategy Write campus strategy Specify and Refine Write campus actions Look at district actions and make a decision: revise, add, delete Refer to Tier 1 Priority Implementation Plans for actions that can transfer Refer to Learning Expectations Rubric for actions that can transfer Add funding sources

16 GoalGoal Performance Objective StrategyStrategy Action Duplicate Duplicate/Modify Modify Modify Action District Campus

17 Begin strategy and action statements with strong verbs, when enacted, will ensure that something specific will be accomplished Consider verbs used in district strategy/action to align campus strategies with district plan STRONG VERBS District VerbsCampus Verb Choice SupportImplement Provide Ensure Build Align

18 District: Support implementation of Tier 1 Priorities within each content area Campus: Implement a UPS Check campus-wide initiative across all grade levels Ensure the effective use of guided reading through a teacher peer-mentoring program STRONG VERBS

19 COLLABORATION TIME Study and Circle Study DIP strategy and actions Circle key words Decide and Write Decide: Keep district strategy Change wording in district strategy Make action into strategy Write campus strategy Specify and Refine Write campus actions Look at district actions and make a decision: revise, add, delete Refer to Tier 1 Priority Implementation Plans for actions that can transfer Refer to Learning Expectations Rubric for actions that can transfer Add funding sources where appropriate

20 ASSISTANCE STATIONS Goal 1 – Special Programs, C&I Department Goal 2 – Donna Layer Goal 3 – Katie Bowman, Rick Kempe General questions on the plan (wordsmithing) – Cindy Dubuis, Donna Solley

21 ABOVE THE LINE BOOK STUDY Book Study Goals Read the book Develop a reader’s response for one chapter in Google Slides Present Google Slides to a group at the Administrative Leadership Conference in July Provided Today Book Chapter assignment Google Slides template Model Lesson

22 CLOSE READING MINI-LESSON Definition Close reading is a thoughtful, critical analysis of a text that focuses on significant details or patterns in order to develop a deep, precise understanding of the text. Text Complexity Readability Qualitative Factors Levels of Meaning and Purpose Structure Language Conventionality and Clarity Knowledge Demands

23 Thinking Within the Text Thinking Beyond the Text Thinking About the Text CLOSE READING: THREE KINDS OF THINKING

24 Check e-mail for invitation Use regular district login Share resources House district documents Organize materials Collaborate and discuss with peers Online learning modules Replaces the website

25 From ILT group in Canvas, choose Meeting Materials to access Administrative Leadership Conference: Resources Discussion Board for use during the conference Close Reading assignment submissions ADMINISTRATIVE LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE

26 Choose your cluster and assigned chapter Click to add text to your slides That’s It! Your completed Google Slides will automatically be accessible through the ILT group Quick access for presenting during the conference

27 Flipping for T-TESS Explore the T-TESS Preview to: Become grounded in the WHY behind our move to T-TESS Learn BISD-specific processes Hear from BISD pilot principals about their T-TESS journey Gain context ahead of the TEA appraiser training Discuss, ask questions, share ideas for implementation

28 FLEX DAYS AND SUMMER PD FOR NEW HIRES Flex Days Flex days for 2016-17 are October 10 and January 16 Form submission will take place once staff returns in August First round of flex day forms will be due by October 3 New Hires and Summer PD If the new hire has already been given a district e-mail, they also have eduphoria and can register for courses If the new hire does not yet have a district account, you may request a guest account for Workshop This will allow the new hire to use the Summer PD catalog to find and register for sessions The credits will be transferred to their official account in September


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