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Process of seeking and attracting a pool of people from which qualified candidates For job vacancies can be chosen.

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Presentation on theme: "Process of seeking and attracting a pool of people from which qualified candidates For job vacancies can be chosen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Process of seeking and attracting a pool of people from which qualified candidates For job vacancies can be chosen.

2 Job Analysis, HR Planning &Recruitment Selection Recruitment Job analysis Human resource planning Job description Pool of qualified applicants Sources? How are qualified candidates to be recruited? Recruiters?Inducements? Nature and requirements of specific jobs Number of specific jobs to be filled jobs to be filled

3 Describes the reason for the need to hire a new person &the requirements of the job. It is a geed idea to attach a job description to attach a job description to the form


5 Internal Sources. Job Posting & bidding.Advertising.Employment agencies.Temporary help agencies.campus recruiting.Internet recruiting External Sources

6 A method of informing employees of job vacancies by Posting a notice in central locations & giving a specified period to apply for a job. Job Posting & bidding

7 The Placement of help wanted ads in daily news papers, in trade & Professional publications,or on radio and T.V Website: Website: Computer jobs. com. Inc. Website: America's job Bank. Website: job Job advertising

8 Private or Public help in recruitment A type of Private employment agency that seeks candidates for high –level or executive positions

9 Temporary Help People working for employment agencies Who are Sub- contract acted out to businesses at an hourly rate for a period of time Specified by the businesses.+ augment the current staff Employee Leasing Companies Provide permanent staffs at customer companies + issue the workers' pay checks +take care of personnel matters+ provide benefits

10 Most companies utilize this method,send electronic resume e.g. IBM Cyber-Blue website ( Offers searchable job postings,job fair info +benefits Internet Recruiting Recruitment activities of activities of employers on college and university campuses + can scout -future employees Campus Recruiting

11 . people might be promoted to the point where they cannot successfully perform the job..Infighting for promotions can negatively affect morale.inbreeding can stifle new ideas and innovation..Attracting,contacting, and evaluating potential employees is more difficult..Adjustment or organization time is longer..Morale problems can develop among those employees within the organization who feel qualified to do the job..Company has a better Knowledge of job candidate.Job candidate has better of company knowledge.Morale and motivation of employees are enhanced.The return on investment that an organization has in its present workforce is increased.The pool of talent is much larger.New insights and perspectives can be brought to the organization.frequently it is cheaper and easier to hire technical, skilled,or managerial employees from outside. SourceAdvantages Disadvantages Internet External

12 Realistic job Previews A method of for increasing the effectiveness of all recruiting methods A method of providing complete job information both positive and negative to the job applicant

13 Positive features and benefits offered by an org. to attract job applicants. Attract a no. of qualified personnel for each particular job opening.

14 organizational Compensation Systems Iow salary no qualified employees Provide career opp. attract larger pool of qualified candidates Career opportunities organizational reputation good image attracts potential employees, good treatment

15 incident p.122 inside or outside Recruiting Assignment Writing a Resume p.123-132 incident p.122,3 A Malpractice Suit against a Hospital

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