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MAY312009MAY312009.  Italian physician  Educator  Philosopher  Humanitarian  Devout Catholic.

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Presentation on theme: "MAY312009MAY312009.  Italian physician  Educator  Philosopher  Humanitarian  Devout Catholic."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAY312009MAY312009

2  Italian physician  Educator  Philosopher  Humanitarian  Devout Catholic

3 Go to this page and take notes for the following; 1. Maria’s Early Life in Italy. 2. Maria and School & Education. 3. Her Curriculum


5 Check this site out to grab some biographical information about Maria Montessori…

6 Visit the site below to preview a detailed description of Maria Montessori’s milestones of life. essori&hl=en&rlz=1T4ADBS_enUS261US261&t bs=tl:1&tbo=1&ei=oFkjSvn8MKHaswP8lLiaBA& sa=X&oi=timeline_result&ct=title&resnum=16

7 Visit this site to view a video of Her Life and Legacy. ~ Type “Maria Montessori” into the search box centered at the top of the page.

8 Visit this web site to gain an understand of the Montessori Method that is still used today in schools around the country.


10 Yes she was! Maria wrote several books during her lifetime. Visit the web link below to spot a list of books written by Mrs. Montessori… (it’s a long one) aria+Montessori&source=an&ei=oFkjSvn8M KHaswP8lLiaBA&sa=X&oi=book_group&ct= title&cad=author-navigational&resnum=6

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