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Bellringer. Properties of Real Numbers Properties There are several properties of real numbers that we use each day. They are: 1. Commutative 2. Associative.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer. Properties of Real Numbers Properties There are several properties of real numbers that we use each day. They are: 1. Commutative 2. Associative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer

2 Properties of Real Numbers

3 Properties There are several properties of real numbers that we use each day. They are: 1. Commutative 2. Associative 3. Distributive 4. Additive Identity 5. Multiplicative Identity 6. Multiplicative Inverse 7. Multiplicative Property of Zero 8. Reflexive

4 Commutative Property What do you think of when you hear the word commute? The order that you add or multiply doesn’t matter!

5 Associative Property What do you think of when you hear the word associate? The way the numbers are grouped doesn’t matter!

6 Additive Identity What number can you add so that a number doesn’t change it’s identity? If we add zero, the number doesn’t change!

7 Multiplicative Identity What number can you multiply by so that a number doesn’t change it’s identity? If we multiply by 1, the number doesn’t change!

8 Multiplicative Inverse What number can you multiply by so that you get one? If we multiply by the reciprocal, we get 1!

9 Multiplicative Property of Zero What happens when you multiply by zero? If we multiply by 0, the result is always 0!

10 Reflexive Every quantity is equal to itself.

11 Homework page 19 (9-14, 16, 38-47)

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