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1. slide From Early Childhood Education to Family Centered Early Childhood Intervention Hajdúböszörmény, May 25, 2016. május 21. Barbara Czeizel.

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Presentation on theme: "1. slide From Early Childhood Education to Family Centered Early Childhood Intervention Hajdúböszörmény, May 25, 2016. május 21. Barbara Czeizel."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. slide From Early Childhood Education to Family Centered Early Childhood Intervention Hajdúböszörmény, May 25, 2016. május 21. Barbara Czeizel

2 2. slide Concepts and the Fluidity of Concepts early development early intervention childhood intervention early early childhood intervention family centered early childhood intervention

3 3. slide 15/2013 (II.26.) decree – Ministry of Human Capacities According to the NKT 18. § (2) section, point a., the task of special education counseling, early development, education and care („early development and care” from now on) is complex early childhood intervention and prevention: from the time of administering the right for these services the support of the child’s development, strengthening the family’s competencies, the support of the social inclusion of the child and the family. The early development and care activities are the following: complex special education development, counseling, the development of social, communicational and language competencies, developing movement and providing support.

4 4. slide The basic needs to realize early childhood intervention and development Early recognition and diagnosis Counseling, early development, therapy and care on the proper level Helping and supporting the family Availability for everyone

5 5. slide For whom is the early intervention and early childhood development available? After the tests: Those children who, after a proper diagnostic method, show a significant underdevelopment, different developmental skills in the following areas 1.development of movement 2.cognitive development 3.hearing and sight development 4.communication and speech development, emotional development and behavior In those diagnosed states that by a great probability show underdevelopment or difference

6 6. slide Experts and professionals taking part in early childhood intervention Transdisciplinary team work, interdisciplinary perspective district nurse, family doctor, pediatrician familiar with childhood pediatrics, child-neurologist, child-orthopedist, eye-specialist, geneticist - medical person teachers and special developmental teachers for various education movement therapist, conductor, movement development professional psychologist social worker art therapist early childhood educator, preschool teacher, developmental teacher

7 7. slide Professional areas involved health care education (developmental) social family care

8 8. slide The aim of early childhood intervention The earliest possible recognition of babies and young children born with a birth risk and birth deficit, their testing, diagnosing, providing professional care and development; supporting and helping families involved A complex area: it involves health care, social issues, social inclusion, family issues and public education. Combined and harmonized collaboration is required Child-routes should be transparent for both teachers and parents. Well-organized tests, developments and therapies are needed in order to help the most children start their life with the least disadvantage

9 9. slide The priority activities of the transdisciplinary project aiming at the development of early childhood intervention (EFOP-1.9.5. – 2016-2020) Creating a healthy child-route Developing common principles, protocols Developing a common measurement and evaluating system Introducing standardized, validated test methods, analysis protocols Increasing the expert competencies, forming their unified attitude Forming the partnership cooperation with families Increasing the availability of services

10 10. slide Thank you for your attention

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