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Alexander Kappes ECAP, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg for the KM3NeT Consortium 2009 EPS HEP, Krakow, 16. July 2009 The KM3NeT project: Towards a km 3 -scale.

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Presentation on theme: "Alexander Kappes ECAP, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg for the KM3NeT Consortium 2009 EPS HEP, Krakow, 16. July 2009 The KM3NeT project: Towards a km 3 -scale."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alexander Kappes ECAP, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg for the KM3NeT Consortium 2009 EPS HEP, Krakow, 16. July 2009 The KM3NeT project: Towards a km 3 -scale neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea

2 Alexander Kappes, EPS HEP 2009, Krakow 16. July 2009 2 Principle of neutrino detection muon νμνμ nuclear reaction cascade 43°   Time & position of hits μ (~ ν) trajectory Energy PMT amplitudes

3 Alexander Kappes, EPS HEP 2009, Krakow 16. July 2009 3 Point source sensitivities ANTARES: 5 lines 140 days (limits) 12 lines 1 year (pred. sensitivity) Predicted fluxes Halzen, AK, O’Murchadha, PRD (2008) AK, Hinton, Stegmann, Aharonian, ApJ (2006) Kistler, Beacom, PRD (2006)... MACRO (6 years) Super-K. (4.5 years) AMANDA (3.8 years) IceCube: IceCube 22 Strings 276 days (sensitivity) IceCube 80 Strings 1 yr (pred. sensitivity) KM3NeT: 1 yr (pred. sensitivity) 90% CL sensitivity for E -2 spectra (preliminary)

4 Alexander Kappes, EPS HEP 2009, Krakow 16. July 2009 4 Neutrino telescope projects IceCube BaikalBaikal ANTARES+NEMO+NESTOR: Joint effort for km 3 -scale detector KM3NeT ANTARES+NEMO+NESTOR:

5 Alexander Kappes, EPS HEP 2009, Krakow 16. July 2009 5 Sky coverage Visibility KM3NeT (Mediterranean) > 75% 25% – 75% < 25% TeV γ-ray sources Galactic extra-Galactic Visibility IceCube (South Pole) 100% 0%

6 Alexander Kappes, EPS HEP 2009, Krakow 16. July 2009 6 KM3NeT point source sensitivity ANTARES: 5 lines 140 days (limits) 12 lines 1 year (pred. sensitivity) Predicted fluxes Halzen, AK, O’Murchadha, PRD (2008) AK, Hinton, Stegmann, Aharonian, ApJ (2006) Kistler, Beacom, PRD (2006)... MACRO (6 years) Super-K. (4.5 years) AMANDA (3.8 years) IceCube: IceCube 22 Strings 276 days (sensitivity) IceCube 80 Strings 1 yr (pred. sensitivity) KM3NeT: 1 yr (pred. sensitivity) 90% CL sensitivity for E -2 spectra (preliminary) not final detector

7 Alexander Kappes, EPS HEP 2009, Krakow 16. July 2009 7 KM3NeT science case Astroparticle physics with neutrinos -“Point sources”: Galactic and extra-Galactic sources of high-energy neutrinos -Diffuse neutrino flux -Neutrinos from Dark Matter annihilation (WIMPs) -Cosmogenic neutrinos (E ≳ 10 17 eV) Search for exotics -Magnetic monopoles, nuclearites … -Lorentz violation Earth and marine sciences -Long-term, continuous measurements in deep-sea -Marine biology, oceanography, geology/geophysics, …

8 Alexander Kappes, EPS HEP 2009, Krakow 16. July 2009 8 KM3NeT: from the idea to a concept 11/2002 4/2008 9/2006 2/2006 9/2005 3/2004 First consultations of ANTARES, NEMO, NESTOR First consultations of ANTARES, NEMO, NESTOR KM3NeT on ESFRI Roadmap KM3NeT on ESFRI Roadmap KM3NeT on ESFRI List of Opportunities KM3NeT on ESFRI List of Opportunities Design Study proposal submitted Design Study proposal submitted The KM3NeT Conceptual Design Report The KM3NeT Conceptual Design Report Begin of Design Study Begin of Design Study

9 Alexander Kappes, EPS HEP 2009, Krakow 16. July 2009 9 Design study topics Photo-sensors and optical modules Data acquisition Detector configuration Calibration Deep-sea infrastructure Deployment Associated science infrastructure

10 Alexander Kappes, EPS HEP 2009, Krakow 16. July 2009 10 Photo sensors and optical modules Further simulations required Costs and reliability studied 1× 10” PMT: 17” glass container improved ANTARES OM with electronics inside 31× 3” PMTs: 17” glass container directional information almost uniform directional sensitivity

11 Alexander Kappes, EPS HEP 2009, Krakow 16. July 2009 11 Detetor configuration Various configuration studied Constraints on OM pattern due to optical background rejection

12 Alexander Kappes, EPS HEP 2009, Krakow 16. July 2009 12 Deployment Compact structures (example) Lease/buy ship...... or use platform (Delta Berenike)

13 Alexander Kappes, EPS HEP 2009, Krakow 16. July 2009 13 KM3NeT: Timeline now Feb 2006 Mar 2008 End 2009 Mar 2011 Construction phase (includes prototyping) Data taking phase TDR CDR Design Study Preparatory phase

14 Alexander Kappes, EPS HEP 2009, Krakow 16. July 2009 14 Summary Compelling science case for neutrino telescopes We need km 3 -scale neutrino telescope (KM3NeT) in Northern hemisphere to complement IceCube’s field of view KM3NeT currently in planning phase -Conceptual Design Report available -Technical Design Report end of 2009 Working towards start of construction in 2011 → first data in 2012 possible

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