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Chrome Extension. Agenda  Overview  Our Work  Analysis  Architecture design  User Interface Design  Code Review  Demonstration.

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Presentation on theme: "Chrome Extension. Agenda  Overview  Our Work  Analysis  Architecture design  User Interface Design  Code Review  Demonstration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chrome Extension

2 Agenda  Overview  Our Work  Analysis  Architecture design  User Interface Design  Code Review  Demonstration

3 Overview

4 Our Work AnalysisDesign Architecture design Detail Design UI Design DevelopTest

5 Analysis Easy to search Easy to download Easy to listen music User friendly No bug Love listening music Search music on the internet

6 Architecture Design Context Menu Omnibox Background.js Popup.html Popup.js XML-Translator.js 4shared.js jQuery.js

7 Detail design

8 User Interface Design

9 Manifest.json

10 Background.js

11 Popup.html

12 Popup.js

13 4shared.js

14 XML-Transalator.js

15 Demonstration D E M O


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