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Online reporting tool ready for use The Executive Secretary advised Parties in Notification 2016-038 of 21 March 2016 that the CBD online reporting tool.

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Presentation on theme: "Online reporting tool ready for use The Executive Secretary advised Parties in Notification 2016-038 of 21 March 2016 that the CBD online reporting tool."— Presentation transcript:


2 Online reporting tool ready for use The Executive Secretary advised Parties in Notification 2016-038 of 21 March 2016 that the CBD online reporting tool is ready for use on the CHM. The Executive Secretary encourages all Parties to start using the online reporting tool as much as possible to submit national reports, NBSAPs and particularly information related to national targets.

3 Features The online reporting tool allows Parties to: Provide national assessments on a periodic basis of their progress towards achieving Aichi Biodiversity Targets and/or relevant national targets. Submit national reports, NBSAPs, as well as provide information on national targets and indicators.

4 Once formally submitted through the CHM, this information will be available for inclusion in documentation to be prepared for meetings of the COP and its subsidiary bodies until 2020, thus enhancing the decision-making processes under the Convention and supporting the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity for 2011-2020.

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8 National Users’ Accounts To facilitate the management of National Users’ Accounts, a feature has been introduced on the CHM at This feature allows CBD NFPs to directly manage the accounts of NPAs and NAUs. CBD NFP – Has full rights on all CHM data. Appoints roles to other national users. National Publishing Authority (NPA) – can publish national reports, NBSAPs and progress on targets National Authorized User (NAU)– can submit national reports, NBSAPs and progress on targets to the NPA

9 Guidance material A User's Manual in PDF is available to assist Parties at: In addition, a Live Help Button is available at the bottom right of each CHM page. During office hours (9AM to 5PM in Montreal), a staff member will answer your questions live and guide you further.
















25 Sixth national report In order to facilitate a better integration of national reporting to the Convention and its Protocols, as well as facilitate alignment in reporting among the biodiversity-related conventions and the Rio Conventions, the functions of the online reporting tool will be aligned with the guidelines for the sixth national report so that Parties can submit sections of the report as soon as they have been completed. This will facilitate the timely preparation and submission of the sixth national report.

26 Feedback welcome Considering that the online reporting tool is in its initial phase, your feedback and suggestions on its use to help the Secretariat further improve the tool to facilitate its use by Parties would be appreciated. The Secretariat will summarize the experiences and lessons learned from the use of the online reporting tool and report to COP-13 to be held in Cancun, Mexico, from 4 to 17 December 2016. Parties can send feedback / suggestions to a dedicated e-mail address at:

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