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ENACTU S REGIONALS. Our Portfolio Practices, Projects, Partners.

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Presentation on theme: "ENACTU S REGIONALS. Our Portfolio Practices, Projects, Partners."— Presentation transcript:


2 Our Portfolio Practices, Projects, Partners

3 enactus Nottingham Trent

4 Our journey Membership Sustainable Green buildings Project s 100 % Transport infrastructure Connecting communities Incurred reductions Recruitment drives Increased growth CORE SEED Nottism

5 Our vision “To educate, support and develop overlooked local communities” LOCAL DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABLE PROGRAMS EMPLOYABILITY PROSPECTS


7 Nottingha m Women’s Centre Offers a safe environment for all women to come together to gain confidence, develop skills, take part in training, get support and organise groups, activities and services safe environment come together all confidence skills training support 2 Women killed 404,000 Female victims 50% Go unreported Domestic Violence Sexual Abuse Death in Family Serious Injury Physical Abuse

8 + Self confidence Self esteem Interpersonal skills

9 CORE Story NeedConcept Development Re-Assessment

10 The Opportunity Coffee waste Ingredients 100% sustainably sourced beans Market Research Justifiable and perceptions Challenges Male Team and Certification Re- assessment How can we still help Taking Action Product development Build Relationship Develop Trust

11 Utilize waste otherwise heading to landfill! How much? Ground coffee market makes up 17% (£185m) Opportunity £1.1b SUSTAINABLE PROGRAMS

12 Action Development of coffee exfoliator Reduce cellulite Eliminate unwanted oils Tightens skin Softer skin Ingredients Natural ingredients 100% sustainable beans Sourced locally Honey, sea salts, cinnamon, coco, peppermint Production Market research Locally sourced Certification Benefits Economic factor Environment factor Trust and relationship Social and human assets Feature s SUSTAINABLE PROGRAMS EMPLOYABILITY PROSPECTS

13 Challenges 1. 2.

14 Reassessment How can we still help? Whilst raising for certification.. Personal Development Employability support -Booklet’s -Consultancy -Workshops -Job updates How can we re-establish the close relationship? LOCAL DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABLE PROGRAMS EMPLOYABILITY PROSPECTS


16 Nottingha m Refugee Forum A community where Asylum Seekers and Refugees are welcomed, receive just and compassionate treatment and support in rebuilding their lives allowing them to integrate into society within Nottingham Food Money Education Community 1 122 communit y Asylum Seekers Refugee s welcomed justsuppor t compassionat e lives integrate society 8000 members 130 volunteers 50 languages

17 +

18 SEED Story Stage 1Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

19 Stage One: Groundwork 1.City Council Meetings 2.Local Business Meetings 3.Refugee Forum 4.Needs Assessment Conversations Observations Interviews LOCAL DEVELOPMENTS

20 Stage Two: Planning 1.Long Lasting 2.Utilisation 3.Vertical Farm & Urban Horticulture Education Financial Personal Community x25 2000 SUSTAINABLE PROGRAMS EMPLOYABILITY PROSPECTS

21 Stage Three: Installation 1.Primary Pilot 2.Social Green Space 3.Enclosed Greenhouse Courtyard 4.2 Acres of available land LOCAL DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABLE PROGRAMS EMPLOYABILITY PROSPECTS

22 Stage Four: Completion & Growth NNRF self sufficient Primary Arts C. Educational Workshop, links to market Crabtree Primary Develop outdoor learning LOCAL DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABLE PROGRAMS EMPLOYABILITY PROSPECTS

23 Thank you for listening enactus Nottingham Trent

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