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WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL Reference Guide for Suppliers Supplier Vision ISM Whirlpool Suppliers Portal.

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Presentation on theme: "WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL Reference Guide for Suppliers Supplier Vision ISM Whirlpool Suppliers Portal."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL Reference Guide for Suppliers Supplier Vision ISM Whirlpool Suppliers Portal

2 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL Index 1. Register on ISM Portal............................................................ slide 03 2. Login on ISM Portal (first acess).................................... slide 06 3. Home Page (details)............................................................... slide 08 4. Answering RFP’s / Quotations......................................... slide 09 5. Managing Events / Quotations......................................... slide 22 6. Formalization Acceptance................................................... slide 23 7. User Change................................................................................. slide 27 8. Changing Register Information........................................ slide 28 9. Attaching Registration Documents................................ slide 29 10. Password Change.................................................................. slide 31 11. Important Pointers.................................................................. slide 32 look

3 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL IMPORTANT: the register do not allow you as a Whirpool Supplier, it will be aprove by the internal rules of Whirlpool.  1. Register on ISM Portal è The operation will be done just once. 1.Click to start the company register

4 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 1. Register on ISM Portal 2.Complete the register with all information asked and click in “Effectuate Register”. Legal Representative is the responsable by law / Company´s Agent.  Swift Code: for Foreign Suppliers   To select the Whirlpool Material Group, follow the instructions in the box.

5 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 1. Register on ISM Portal After the e-mail sent, get the informations with the Legal Representative  3.After the register confirmation, username and password will be sent to the Legal Representative´s e-mail.

6 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 2. Login on ISM Portal (first acess) 1.Fill in the fields Login with the Tax Number, User and Password then click “OK”. If it is your first acess, use the information sent to the Legal Representative of the Company. Next step is changing your temporary password by a new one, see it in the next page. 

7 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 2. Login on ISM Portal 1.To change your temporary password, you just have to write the new password of 8 to 10 characters twice and then click in “Change Password”. 2.Next step is to accept the POLITICS OF USAGE OF ISM PORTAL, read it carefully then click in “Accepted”. Wait a moment, and you will be redirected to the home page.

8 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 3. Home Page (details) To see the receveid message, click in “Subject”. To see all messages click in “List Messages”. List of events that are “in process”. To see it click in code or title. Return to the Home Page Logoff. Telephone and e-mail of Support.

9 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 4. Answering RFP’s è There are 3 ways to acess Events / Quotations Select the “Events / Quotations” tab. Or Click on the Code / Event’s title wanted, or click on “List events”. Only the emphasized events that were not answered. Message template sent by e-mail, every time Whirlpool publishes an event. 

10 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 4. Answering RFP’s 1.To look or answer an event, click on the event’s title or on the Icon shown.  Observe the subtitle to verify the event’s status.

11 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL è Read the event carefully before clicking on the buttons bellow Click on “New Message” in case you want to trade information with the responsable for the event. Click on “decline” to refuse the invitation. Click on “Accept” to answer the event.  In case a document is attached to the event, click on the icon below to download it. 4. Answering RFP’s

12 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL è Procedure after clicking on the button “New Message”: 1. Type the title of the email and the message and click on “Send”.The following message must come up: 4. Answering RFP’s

13 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL è Procedure after clicking on the button “Decline” : 1. Type the reason explaining why the event was declined, and click on “Decline”. Attention: This is an operation that can not be undone. Once declined, it will not be possible to participate of the Event.  4. Answering RFP’s

14 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL è Procedure after clicking on the button “Accept”: In case it is your first quotation reply through the portal, on the following page it will be necessary to accept the GENERAL SUPPLYING CONDITIONS.  1. To send the answer click on “Reply the event” or click on “Back to list” to answer later. 4. Answering RFP’s

15 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL Inform the personal password used to login into the portal and click on “I accept the Term stated here.”. 4. Answering RFP’s

16 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 4. Inform your personal password again for the acceptance of the Event/Quotation’s specific conditions and click on “OK”. 4. Answering RFP’s

17 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 4. Answering RFP’s Attention on the Tips 1 and 2, there are importants informations that will make easier to answer the event. Use if necessary.  6. Fill up all the itens in the list. 5. Click on “Forward“

18 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 4. Answering RFP’s 7. Click on “Forward”. Always attach the documents and insert commercial observations as complement of your answer. Check the proceeding to attach the document on the next page.  Always attach documents and insert techniques observations as complement of your answer. Check proceeding to attach the document on the next page. 

19 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 4. Answering RFP’s èAttach Documents Process 1.Choose one option to attach your document. 3.Select the wanted document. 2.Click on “Browse”. 4.Click on “Upload”

20 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 9. In this stage you can do a verification of informations inserted. If you want to do any modification click on the button “Change” in featured concerning in each step of the event (1 and 2). 10. Click on “Save and Send Event”. 4. Answering RFP’s

21 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 11. Click on “Back to list”. 4. Answering RFP’s Confirmation that the event was successfully saved. Your answer can be edited untill the date the event will be closed. 

22 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 1.Click on “Events/Quotations”. Attention to the tip, it has important informations to facilitate the search by the events pending.  2.Use the filters to delimit the search and than click in “Search”. Keeping 2.Use the filters to delimit the search and than click in “Search”. Keeping “Any” to all the search fields, all the events that your company was invited to participate, answered or not, will be listed. 5. Managing Events/Quotations

23 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 6. Formalization Acceptance  Automatic e-mail sent to the winner suppplier of the formalized event. Go to the Portal to do the download of the purchase request and give the Formalization Acceptance. 1.Click in the corresponding link of Formalization in the home page.

24 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 6. Formalization Acceptance 2.Click in the event title.

25 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 3.Click on “See Solicitation of Formalization”. 4.Click on “See Formalization”. 6. Formalization Acceptance

26 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 5. After looking at observations and the documents, click on “Accept”. 6. If there are any differences between information x negotiation, contact the buyer responsible before clicking on “ok”. 7. When the message of formalization accepted apears the process can no longer be undone, so check the information carefully. To visualize the attached documents, click on the highlighted icon.  6. Formalization Acceptance

27 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 1.On tab “My Whirlpool” option “User’s Registry” it is possible to change the contact information (Name of companiy’s contact and his/hers e-mail) that receives the automatic mail about publications, cancelled events, and others. 7. User Change 2.Proceed on changing the e-mail or it’s owner and click on “save”.

28 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 1.Selecionando “Cadastro Empresa” é possível alterar/atualizar os dados cadastrais da empresa. 8. Changing Register Information 1.On tab “My Whirlpool” option “Company’s Register” it is possible to change the information of your company. 2.After you make a change click on “save”.

29 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 1.Selecionando “Cadastro Empresa” é possível incluir/anexar os documentos da empresa. 9. Attaching Register Documents 1.On tab “My Whirlpool” option “Documents” you should attach the documents required by Whirlpool. 2.Click on the “Attach” corresponding to the document you want to attach.

30 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 9. Attaching Register Documents 3. Click on “Browse” to look for the document. 4. Fill out the “Description” box. 5.Insert the “Expiration Date” of the document. 6.Click on “Upload”. 7.To attach the next document repeat the operation.

31 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 10. Password Change 1.On Menu “My Whirlpool” option “Password Change” you may change your Whirlpool website password whenever needed. 2. After creating a new password click on “Save Changes”.

32 WHIRLPOOL LATIN AMERICA  CONFIDENTIAL 11. Important Pointers è The supplier is always informed (by means of automatic e-mail) about the opening of an event. Any other automatic notice will also be sent via e-mail. è The supplier should always include observations and attachments, technical or comercial, as a complement to his event reply. Any type of file is valid (Word, Excel, Croquis, etc...) è Pay special attention to tips, warnings and notices during the replying of an event, every information there is important and will help you navigate the Whirlpool website. è Never use the “Back” button on your web browser. Always use the options on the website itself. è Support 24h (7 days a week) - NeoGrid - Tel: (55 47) 3043-7620

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