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Doc.: IEEE 802.15- 04-0551-00-001a Submission Sept 2004 Tom Siep, TMS Assoicates, LLCSlide 1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal.

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1 doc.: IEEE 802.15- 04-0551-00-001a Submission Sept 2004 Tom Siep, TMS Assoicates, LLCSlide 1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [TG1a Closing Report] Date Submitted: [13-Sep-04] Source: [Tom Siep] Company [TMS Associates, LLC] Address [Suite 100, ms 365, 1802 Pleasant Valley Dr, Garland, TX, USA, 75040] Voice:[+1 972 496 0766], FAX: [+1 469 366 1480], E-Mail:[] Re: [If this is a proposed revision, cite the original document.] [If this is a response to a Call for Contributions, cite the name and date of the Call for Contributions to which this document responds, as well as the relevant item number in the Call for Contributions.] [Note: Contributions that are not responsive to this section of the template, and contributions which do not address the topic under which they are submitted, may be refused or consigned to the “General Contributions” area.] Abstract:[Description of document contents.] Purpose:[Description of what the author wants P802.15 to do with the information in the document.] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

2 doc.: IEEE 802.15- 04-0551-00-001a Submission Sept 2004 Tom Siep, TMS Assoicates, LLCSlide 2 TG1a Closing Report Tom Siep TMS Associates, LLC Chair TG1a

3 doc.: IEEE 802.15- 04-0551-00-001a Submission Sept 2004 Tom Siep, TMS Assoicates, LLCSlide 3 Sponsor Ballot for Revision A of 802.15.1 The electronic ballot officially opened on 28-July-2004, Scheduled to close at 11:59 PM Eastern Time on 27-August-2004 Quorum was not met, ballot was extended to 10-September-2004 and closed on that date

4 doc.: IEEE 802.15- 04-0551-00-001a Submission Sept 2004 Tom Siep, TMS Assoicates, LLCSlide 4 Status of Sponsor Ballot 46Approve, no comments (Y) 7Approve, no comments (Y) - DUPE 3Approve, comments (Y1) 3Abstain for lack of time (A1) 1Abstain for lack of expertise (A2) 1Abstain, other (A3) 2Coordination 1Disapprove, comments (N) 2Coordination 66TOTAL VOTES 59Valid Votes (non-duplicates) 88.1% Percent Returned Ballots 98.0%Percentage Approval (Approve/ Approve + Disapprove) 83.1%Percentage Approval (Approve/Total Votes)

5 doc.: IEEE 802.15- 04-0551-00-001a Submission Sept 2004 Tom Siep, TMS Assoicates, LLCSlide 5 Sponsor Ballot Resolution 15-04-0549-00-001a-TG1a-sponsor- ballot-results-resolution.xls 6 Commenters 387 Comments (85 Technical) 3 Technical comments declined

6 doc.: IEEE 802.15- 04-0551-00-001a Submission Sept 2004 Tom Siep, TMS Assoicates, LLCSlide 6 GILB002 COMMENT: Using the Bluetooth core v.12 as a normative reference is an issue because the draft is largely a copy of this document. If the Bluetooth core v1.2 specification is a normative reference then most of this document can be deleted. REMEDY: Either a) delete all portions of the draft standard that are copied from BT core v1.2 and replace them with a reference to the specification or b) Remove the listing of BT core v1.2 from the normative references. REASON FOR DECLINE: Those Bluetooth Documents are referenced and they contain information that is not contained in this standard. There are some instances of replicating (or amending) the text and other instances of referencing the text. The BRC believes that this is a reasonable approach which improves upon the Bluetooth Spec.

7 doc.: IEEE 802.15- 04-0551-00-001a Submission Sept 2004 Tom Siep, TMS Assoicates, LLCSlide 7 GILB029 (still under discussion) COMMENT: The last sentence repeats a requirement from earlier in this clause. Redundant requirements will lead to contradictions in the standard as it evolves. REMEDY: Delete the last sentence "In this case..." REASON FOR DECLINE: The BRC cannot find a previous place in the standard where it is stated that the HEC and CRC generators are loaded with LSB first. Declined, this seems to be the only instance where the order of loading into the shift register is mentioned.

8 doc.: IEEE 802.15- 04-0551-00-001a Submission Sept 2004 Tom Siep, TMS Assoicates, LLCSlide 8 GILB043 COMMENT: This standard does not conform to the IEEE 802 procedure where the WG is empowered to make changes. For this standard, the WG can only suggest changes, the Bluetooth SIG is the only body that can authorize normative changes. REMEDY: Move this activity to a more appropriate group, e.g., the IEEE CAG would be the correct home for this activity. Without the right of the WG to make changes to the draft standard, this document does not belong in IEEE 802. REASON FOR DECLINE: We agree, but this should have been raised and resolved when 802 agreed on the terms on which they would create this standard. There is now a commitment which the TG and WG must fulfill.

9 doc.: IEEE 802.15- 04-0551-00-001a Submission Sept 2004 Tom Siep, TMS Assoicates, LLCSlide 9 Going Forward Motion: WG approves ballot comment resolution and directs TG1a editor to apply edits specified in 15-04- 0549-00-001a-TG1a-sponsor-ballot-results- resolution.xls and request start of 10-day Sponsor Ballot recirculation as soon as practical. Moved: Tom Siep Second: Dr. James P. K. Gilb (?) For: Against: Abstain:

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