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Raising Consciousness Creating Awareness Efforts of GoG and NGOs to strengthen VHSNCs 10 th February 2016.

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1 Raising Consciousness Creating Awareness Efforts of GoG and NGOs to strengthen VHSNCs 10 th February 2016

2 2 Capacity building of VHSNCs was jointly carried out by Government of Gujarat and NGO partners Total three phases were carried out from 2008 to 2014 Foundation for Research In Health Systems FRHS was the Nodal Agency CHETNA was the resource organization responsible for training of trainers during all three phases Efforts made:

3 3 Phase I: 3745 VHSCs were trained, spread across 79 blocks in 23 districts through 25 NGO partners. Phase II: 2447 VHSNCs were trained covering 34 blocks and 12 districts through 27 NGO partners Phase III 2590 VHSNCs were trained covering 35 blocks and 15 districts through 25 NGOs Details of Training

4 4 Training module was designed for the master trainers / facilitators training in partnership of NGO and Government of Gujarat CHETNA took the lead in the module development NGO for the implementation of the activities were selected based on NGO capacity, past performance, local presence in the Block for the project and capacity to sustain mentoring support to VHSNC, beyond the project period. Training of NGO facilitators as VHSNC trainers (by master trainers) at CHETNA Training of VHSNC members (by NGO Facilitators) Mentoring of VHSNC members (by NGO Facilitators) Coordination, review and reporting of performance (by FRHS) Activities Carried out during all phases

5 5 The Training of Trainers activity was coordinated by CHETNA. NGOs nominated 1 Facilitator per 25 VHSNCs for training. They were trained in a batch of 25 for 5 days at CHETNA. VHSNC members were oriented to VHSNC functioning in a village-level orientation meeting of all VHSNC members, conducted by NGO facilitators. 5 active members along with ASHA,AWW & FHW were identified to get further training at PHC level for two days. Training of Trainers and VHSNC training

6 6 NGO facilitators attended VHSNC meetings at village level to help VHSNC to develop and implement their plans and strengthen their implementation capacity. Facilitators maintained contact with VHSNC by attending VHSNC meeting and report their performance and achievements to the nodal agency (FRHS). VHSNC mentoring support

7 7 Based on NRHM indicators, FRHS introduced a standardized reporting format which was filled by NGOs and combined report of all VHSNCs was developed. Quarterly meetings were organized by nodal agency. Performance Monitoring and Reporting

8 8 Phase IPhase IIPhase III No of districts covered 221714 No of Taluka 7834 No of VHSNCs trained 371527162517 No of NGOs253034 No of ToTs555 No of NGO facilitators trained 165110120 Progress till date

9 9 VHSNC Members Phase IPhase II * NumberPercentageNumberPercentage Health Staff 604753%528554% Community Members 543947%455246% Total Members 11486100%9837100% No of VHSNCs 37152716 Data from Phase III is not available VHSNCs members trained during two phases

10 10 The impact assessment was carried out in matched sample of 50 trained and 50 untrained VHSCs. Indicators used % VHSNCs created awareness in the village about available health services and entitlements % VHSNCs developed Village Health Plans reflecting village health situation and priorities % VHSNCs analyzed problems pertaining to the health and nutrition program activities and provided feedback to relevant functionaries and officials % VHSNCs maintained village health register, health information board and calendar % VHSNCs held regular quarterly meeting to discuss village health problems % VHSNCs monitored ANMs and MPWs visit to villages on fixed days and contributed to health and nutrition related activities at the village level % VHSNCs ensured that every maternal and infant death is registered in the village Panchayat and discussed during the meeting % VHSNCs managed village health fund as per the government guidelines Impact Assessment

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