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Citizenship through self-direction, international lessons to local action Way ahead - leave no one behind Kate Fulton.

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Presentation on theme: "Citizenship through self-direction, international lessons to local action Way ahead - leave no one behind Kate Fulton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Citizenship through self-direction, international lessons to local action Way ahead - leave no one behind Kate Fulton

2 The world according to me NDIS Safeguarding Bonyhady, Fulton & Walker NDIS Safeguarding Bonyhady, Fulton & Walker

3 Today Explore Self Directed Support and its benefits to citizens International learning & local developments The principles of SDS and how you might use them

4 What is Self Directed Support? Self-directed support is about people being in control of the support they need to live the life they choose. In Control 2011

5 Individual funding has been growing for 50 years



8 Many different words, many models

9 A significant shift in thinking What are your needs? How do you want your life to be and what is going to work?


11 Our Jenny Jenny’s own home Team that shared our vision (not the Providers vision) Exploration of what a good life could look like Flexibility in approach and use of budget Within budget and we could bank money to reward and recognise the team

12 Supporting Citizenship You are the expert of your life You are in control of your life and your supports Your life is part of a community of friends and family Resources need to be transparent and best used for you Your context Your solutions

13 Institution CareCitizenship The context of Human Services

14 Service Land

15 Work Colleagues Money Home Neighbours Pets Friends Hobbies Parties Being ME! Love Marriage College Special Bus Special Swimming Special College Courses Special homes Special Schools Day Centres

16 Service Land The systems offer can isolate people from their peers, families and community connections Services may be in the community, but don’t draw on it’s resources People’s ‘label’ or deficit becomes the most important thing, not their capacities and resources (their real wealth) Power and autonomy - There is a tendency for staff to take over decision-making and to make the rules People’s needs are seen through the service ‘frame’ and service solutions become the only solutions. Building-centred, system centred, service-centred NOT person-centred

17 Service solutions become the solutions Placements – Young people Care Homes – Older people Day Centers – People with a disability or mental ill health Groups homes – people with intellectual disabilities Programs not allocation of resources The flow of money drives the solutions and people try to make them work best they can

18 What if we focused on… You as a citizen not a service user or system recipient Your expertise on your own life in your context of community and relationships Your idea of what a good life could look like Clear understanding of resources to make the best use of What good support looks like to achieve your vision Partnerships with people / organisations who can support you on your journey whilst you are in control


20 What if we focused on… You as a citizen not a service user or system recipient – Real wealth Your expertise on your own life in your context of community and relationships - Real autonomy Your idea of what a good life could look like – Good person centred planning Clear understanding of resources to make the best use of – Individual resource allocation What good support looks like to achieve your vision – Good service design Assistance who can support you on your journey whilst you are in control – Peer Support Networks, Good Support Partner Agencies

21 Self Directed Support People with disabilities People who experience mental ill health Young people and families Early intervention Children in the looked after system People with significant health issues People who experience homelessness Older People who are frail Families Women who are victims of domestic violence Self Directed Support is an approach for all citizens

22 Worry less about the mechanism It will change Mechanisms can constrict our thinking Individualising what you have got currently is powerful

23 UK Model

24 Western Australia – HACC SDS pilot

25 NDIS Australia Line Item $$ Agreed Plan Outcomes Strategies = Budget Planning Shopping

26 Features of Other Models Individual plans – Independent Facilitators / Brokers (independent of the system – long term connection / problem solving) Community Organisations individualizing block contracts - good planning and individual design Focus on building connection and individual capacity Using existing costs as the benchmark and planning with families best use of it

27 ‘Help to get off the streets’ People who had been sleeping rough for between 4 and 45 years. Supports and a personal budget of up to £3000 / $6000 Chosen Broker to hold your budget Good planning – what makes sense for you Trusted to make decisions on how to use the money responsibly – contact with family, caravan, visits to accommodation before taking up a tenancy, mobile phone to reconnect

28 Children in the looked after system Young child maintained contact with Mum Regular breakdown of placements Incidents in residential accommodation What would good support look like for Amy and her Mum? (Good Design) Cost 120k to 11,960K

29 Mr Mandel and his family Clear outcomes for Mr Mandel and his family Mr Mandel and his family are the experts and designed a solution that works for them

30 What if YOU focused on… You as a citizen not a service user or system recipient – Real wealth Your expertise on your own life in your context of community and relationships - Real autonomy Your idea of what a good life could look like – Good person centred planning Clear understanding of resources to make the best use of – Individual resource allocation What good support looks like to achieve your vision – Good service design Assistance who can support you on your journey whilst you are in control – Peer Support Networks, Good Support Agencies

31 What could self direction look like? Does Anne need a typical Support Provider, Human Service Agency? Resources $$

32 Worth remembering People can and do direct their supports outside of human services If it’s easy to navigate If the assistance makes sense – timely If we expect and treat people like they can If it’s based on real choice and control

33 Human services will develop in accordance with what people want What these people want, will shape the future of human services


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