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Attending a Training Exercise Presented by Maj Steve Ernst 27 Apr 2015.

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1 Attending a Training Exercise Presented by Maj Steve Ernst 27 Apr 2015

2  These are all variations of levels of training that may be conducted from Group level to Wing.  They will always be conducted with a designated Incident Commander. He and his staff will be operating in accordance with accepted Homeland Security and FEMA practices and procedures.  They are training too.

3  A scenario will have been chosen to represent an Emergency situation. The scenario will be announced and published in an Op Plan and can be found in eServices/WMIRS – Wing Management Information and Reporting System.  Civil Air Patrol Sites  eServices eServices  WMIRS WMIRS  Choose the Mission Number for the exercise and select Mission Files then Plans

4  An Incident Command Post is any chosen location from which Command, Control, and Communications are most likely to be successfully executed.  An IC may be co-located with a Staging Area

5  A Staging Area is a location, generally an airfield, where members of Air and Ground Teams converge to plan their assigned missions, and go out from to execute the mission  It is an informal, ad hoc organization created for that mission

6  Only qualified CAP members can attend.  A qualified Senior Member is one who has completed Level I  A qualified Cadet Member will have completed their Curry and General Emergency Services (GES)  A member who has notified the Commander of intent to participate at least a week in advance. Your name will be added to the Letter of Participation for planning purposes

7  It is the desire of those training you that appropriate SET qualified trainers are available at your training location. They have to know how many are planning on attending at a given location and what Achievements attendees desire to be trained in

8  1. Cadets - Complete General Emergency Services and Curry; Seniors complete Level I and IC 100b  2. Submit a Skills Qualifier Training Record (SQTR) to your Squadron Commander for Approval of Prerequisites  3. Complete Prerequisites. (N.B. These may require you to have completed another Achievement, i.e. you cannot take GTM2 until you have completed GTM3. You may also have to complete an on-line FEMA Course such as in IC 100b and 700a, and/or 200, and 800. IC courses 200 and 300 are on site, classroom requirements)  4. Resubmit the SQTR to your Commander for Approval for Familiarization and Preparatory Training (Advanced Training)  5. Participate in two Missions or one Mission with separate Sorties

9  A SQTR is your training record for that Achievement. It serves to indicate that you have successfully demonstrated to a SET qualified instructor that you can perform the given Tasks

10  Choose the Achievement you wish to train on from eServices/My Operations Qualifications/SQTR/Entry  Hit the Submit button at the bottom. This will forward it to your Commander for approval  When Approved – print it out for use at the exercise Your completed Tasks will be annotated with your trainers CAPID, the date and the Mission Number it was earned on

11  NEVER LOSE THE SQTR!!!  When all Tasks have been successfully completed, go to eServices; to the SQTR and annotate it with the Name, Date, and Mission Numbers from your hard copy  Hit the Submit Button at the bottom of the screen. This Achievement will go through the Chain of Command for awarding of the Achievement

12  A Skills Evaluator Trainer (SET) will judge you on your proficiency and sign you off if properly demonstrated  Anyone qualified in that Achievement can train you  Only a qualified SET can sign you off  The Trainer and SET can be one and the same person – most desired – way less hassle

13  Really!?  Yes, here it is! –  Many Achievements will have the same Tasks. You do not have to re-demonstrate your proficiency from one Task to another Achievement requiring the same Tasking  eServices will automatically populate the completion of that Task to every other Achievement that requires it. What a deal!  Yea!!!

14  Here are your opportunities:  UDFUrban Direction Finding GTM3Ground Team Member 3 GTM2Ground Team Member 2GTM1 GTLGround Team Leader MSAMission Staff Assistant MROMission Radio Operator FLMFlight Line Marshaller

15  Log in to CAP Members  Go to eServices  On left column, Select – Operations  Select ES Task Guides  Choose the appropriate Guide

16  Be sure you are Safety Current  Be sure you have completed Introduction to CAP Safety  Be sure you have taken Aircraft Ground Handling  Be sure your Emergency Contact information is correct and complete in eServices/My Account/Characteristics  Get a good night’s sleep; get up early enough for a good breakfast

17  The Sign-In desk is the first place to find  Have your CAPID, a recent 101 Card, your SQTR(s) and your CAPF 161 (Emergency Information – 2 copies), at the ready  Show in a properly worn uniform  Bring gear appropriate to the Tasks to be performed (If outdoors, forecast rain?)  Bring lunch money or a packed lunch – most likely no refrigeration available

18  You will receive a Mission Briefing by the Incident Commander or by the Staging Area Commander  That briefing will be followed by a Safety Briefing from the Mission Safety Officer  Another briefing from the Communications Officer  Questions and answers session  You will form up with a group receiving like training

19  Sign In is normally conducted between 0700 and 0800 hours.  Be on time; arrive early so you can get a feel of the place and not be rushed  Start getting acquainted with other seniors and cadets from other squadrons. They will be looking for someone with a friendly face like yours

20  Saturdays operations are from 0700 to 1700 hours  Sundays are from 0700 to 1400 or 1500 hours

21  Thank you for your attention  Have a Safe and Productive Mission!

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