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Minor Irrigation (Stat.) Wing The Census of Minor Irrigation Schemes is conducted once in five years under the “Rationalization of Minor Irrigation Statistics.

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Presentation on theme: "Minor Irrigation (Stat.) Wing The Census of Minor Irrigation Schemes is conducted once in five years under the “Rationalization of Minor Irrigation Statistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minor Irrigation (Stat.) Wing The Census of Minor Irrigation Schemes is conducted once in five years under the “Rationalization of Minor Irrigation Statistics (RMIS)”, which is a component of the Central Sector 12 th Plan Scheme “Development of Water Resources Information System”. The aim of RMIS scheme is to build a comprehensive and reliable database in the Minor Irrigation Sector for future planning. The major activity under the scheme is the Census of Minor Irrigation Schemes conducted in the States/UTs covering all ground water and surface water Minor Irrigation Schemes in rural areas. Minor Irrigation Schemes comprise of all ground water schemes and surface water schemes (both flow and lift) having Culturable Command Area up to 2000 hs. individually.

2 Achievements-2014-15 Currently, the 5 th Minor Irrigation Census is being conducted with reference year 2013-14 in 34 States/UTs using traditional methodology i.e. canvassing of paper schedules. For the 5th M.I. Census, an All India Training Workshop was conducted in February, 2014 in which officials of the State Government/UT Administration were imparted detailed training on concepts/definitions, schedules and manuals to be used in the Census.

3 Thereafter, Regional Training Workshops were conducted during May to August, 2014 for different regions to train the field staff for conducting the field work. All the 34 States/UTs taking part in the Census were covered in these Regional Training Workshops where 3-4 participants from each State/UT attended the workshop. Field training was also imparted to these participants. 24 States/UTs have already conducted State / UT level workshops for district level officers and have completed printing of schedules/manuals. The processing of the data generated through canvassing the schedules would be through a Software Package being developed by NICSI for which first instalment was also released during 2014-15. Achievements-2014-15

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