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Birds identification course Forest birds 1. Common redstart Blackbird Bullfinch Hawfinch Chaffinch Greenfinch Goldfinch Training in identification Content.

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Presentation on theme: "Birds identification course Forest birds 1. Common redstart Blackbird Bullfinch Hawfinch Chaffinch Greenfinch Goldfinch Training in identification Content."— Presentation transcript:

1 Birds identification course Forest birds 1

2 Common redstart Blackbird Bullfinch Hawfinch Chaffinch Greenfinch Goldfinch Training in identification Content

3 Grey head and back Black throat Rusty breast, belly and undertail coverts COMMON REDSTART Phoenicurus phoenicurus Горихвостка садовая Սովորական կարմրատուտ White forehead 3

4 BLACKBIRD Turdus merula Дрозд черный Սև կեռնեխ Overall black Bill and eye ring are yellow to orange 4

5 EURASIAN BULLFINCH Pyrrhula pyrrhula Снегирь Խածկտիկ 5

6 EURASIAN BULLFINCH Pyrrhula pyrrhula Снегирь Խածկտիկ Pinkish-red underparts Black crown and face Grey back Male White rump Black tail 6

7 EURASIAN BULLFINCH Pyrrhula pyrrhula Снегирь Խածկտիկ Buff underparts Black cap and face Grey back Female Specific short and thick bill 7

8 HAWFINCH Coccothraustes coccothraustes Дубонос Հատբեկիչ 8

9 HAWFINCH Coccothraustes coccothraustes Дубонос Հատբեկիչ General ochre color of body White greater coverts make white bar on the wing Very thick bill and black mask with black patch on the throat White tips of the tail feathers 9

10 CHAFFINCH Fringilla coelebs Зяблик Ամուրիկ Bluish grey head Underparts are pinkish Two wide bars on wing 10

11 Overall green Yellow flash on primaries Yellow sides of tail EUROPEAN GREENFINCH Carduelis chloris Зеленушка Կանաչ սերինոս 11

12 Red face with white cheeks Yellow panel on the wing EUROPEAN GOLDIFINCH Carduelis carduelis Щегол Կարմրակատար 12

13 TRAINING 2 Click to begin the training and wait: slides will change automatically each 10 seconds. During that time you have to write their names on the training sheet. After finishing the training you can check yourself using answers (number of slide and name of bird species) provided at the end.

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85 85 14European greenfinch34Blackbird54Hawfinch74Blackbird 15Blackbird35European goldfinch55Chaffinch75Syrian woodpecker 16European goldfinch36Common redstart56European greenfinch76Wryneck 17Common redstart37Eurasian bullfinch57Common redstart77Black woodpecker 18Chaffinch38European greenfinch58European goldfinch78Great spotted woodpecker 19Eurasian bullfinch39Common redstart59Eurasian bullfinch79Hawfinch 20Hawfinch40Chaffinch60Blackbird80European goldfinch 21European goldfinch41Blackbird61European greenfinch81Black woodpecker 22European greenfinch42European goldfinch62Hawfinch82Wryneck 23Chaffinch43Common redstart63Blackbird83Blackbird 24Wryneck44Chaffinch64European greenfinch84Hawfinch 25Blackbird45Hawfinch65Syrian woodpecker 26Middle spotted woodpecker46European greenfinch66Eurasian bullfinch 27European goldfinch47Eurasian bullfinch67Lesser spotted woodpecker 28Chaffinch48Chaffinch68Hawfinch 29European greenfinch49European greenfinch69Eurasian bullfinch 30Hawfinch50Hawfinch70Blackbird 31Chaffinch51Blackbird71Hawfinch 32Lesser spotted woodpecker52Common redstart72Great spotted woodpecker 33Common redstart53Eurasian bullfinch73Green woodpecker Answers

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