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Birds identification course Forest birds 1. European robin Winter wren Mistle thrush Song thrush Training in identification Content.

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Presentation on theme: "Birds identification course Forest birds 1. European robin Winter wren Mistle thrush Song thrush Training in identification Content."— Presentation transcript:

1 Birds identification course Forest birds 1

2 European robin Winter wren Mistle thrush Song thrush Training in identification Content

3 Brown upperparts Red-orange face, throat, breast Off-white belly and undertail coverts EUROPEAN ROBIN Erithacus rubecula Зарянка Արշալույսիկ 3

4 WINTER WREN Troglodytes troglodytes Крапивник Եղեգնաթռչնակ Grey-brown to red-brown above with dark-barred wings and tail Grey-brown head with lond pale supercilium Pale brown below, barred on belly and flanks Very small noisy bird with short cocked tail 4

5 5 Grayish-brown head and back Spotted underparts MISTLE THRUSH Turdus viscivorus Дрозд-деряба Սոսնձակեռնեխ

6 SONG THRUSH Turdus philomelos Певчий дрозд Երգող կեռնեխ Smaller and slimmer than Mistle Thrush Spots have shape of triangle, while spots of Mistle Thrush have rounded shape Underwings are orange No white bars on wing coverts 6

7 Mistle Thrush and Song Thrush 7

8 TRAINING 4 Click to begin the training and wait: slides will change automatically each 10 seconds. During that time you have to write their names on the training sheet. After finishing the training you can check yourself using answers (number of slide and name of bird species) provided at the end.

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92 92 Answers 9European Robin33Winter Wren57Song Thrush81Chaffinch 10Mistle Thrush34Mistle Thrush58Black Woodpecker82Winter Wren 11Chaffinch35Great Spotted Woodpecker59Song Thrush83Dunnock 12Song Thrush36Green Woodpecker60European Robin84Blackbird 13Dunnock37Song Thrush61Mistle Thrush85Eurasian Nuthatch 14Winter Wren38Green Woodpecker62Middle Spotted Woodpecker86Great Tit 15Eurasian Bullfinch39Winter Wren63European Greenfinch87Mistle Thrush 16Song Thrush40European Robin64European Robin88Eurasian Tree-creeper 17European Goldfinch41Song Thrush65Winter Wren89Blue Tit 18Coal Tit42Coal Tit66Mistle Thrush90Great Tit 19Common Redstart43Lesser Spotted Woodpecker67Eurasian Bullfinch91Winter Wren 20Mistle Thrush44Dunnock68Song Thrush 21Dunnock45Wryneck69European Robin 22Syrian Woodpecker46Blue Tit70Lesser Spotted Woodpecker 23European Robin47Lesser Spotted Woodpecker71Eurasian Tree-creeper 24Song Thrush48European Robin72Song Thrush 25Winter Wren49Mistle Thrush73Eurasian Nuthatch 26Blackbird50Common Redstart74Winter Wren 27Dunnock51Winter Wren75Middle Spotted Woodpecker 28Syrian Woodpecker52Lesser Spotted Woodpecker76Hawfinch 29European Greenfinch53Mistle Thrush77Wryneck 30European Robin54European Goldfinch78Dunnock 31Hawfinch55European Robin79Song Thrush 32Middle Spotted Woodpecker56Mistle Thrush80Great Spotted Woodpecker

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