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World Bank Safeguard Policies Overview Disabilities & Safeguards Training Jean-Roger Mercier (ESDQC) July 11, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "World Bank Safeguard Policies Overview Disabilities & Safeguards Training Jean-Roger Mercier (ESDQC) July 11, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Bank Safeguard Policies Overview Disabilities & Safeguards Training Jean-Roger Mercier (ESDQC) July 11, 2006

2 Table of Contents Safeguards, their objectives and application Most relevant safeguard policies for mainstreaming disabilities Safeguards processing and entry points Conclusion

3 Disabilities and safeguards Safeguards, their objectives and application

4 Types of Operations Under the new Development Policy Lending (DPL – OP 8.60) Policy Macroeconomic Reforms S ectoral Reforms PRSC Investment Lending, including SWAPs and other sectoral investments Financial Intermediaries Community Driven Development Approach Social Development Guarantees SEA/CEA Safeguards

5 Objectives of Safeguard Policies Ensure that Environmental and Social issues are evaluated in decision making; Reduce and manage project technical Risks; Provide a mechanism for Consultation and Disclosure of Information;

6 Legal Policies OP 7.50 International Waterways OP 7.60 Disputed Areas Environmental Policies OP 4.01 Environmental Assessment OP 4.04 Natural Habitats OP 4.09 Pest Management OP 4.11 Cultural Property OP 4.36 Forests OP 4.37 Safety of Dams Social Policies OP 4.10 Indigenous Peoples OP 4.12 Involuntary Resettlement Information Disclosure Handbook on Public Disclosure Safeguard Policies Project Cycle

7 EA Reset.Indig. Nat. Hab. Cult.

8 In a very small nutshell Safeguards apply to all investment lending, whichever the funding source is as long as it is Bank-managed; The Borrower is responsible for applying the policies to each Bank loan/credit. Bank must conduct due diligence. Within the Bank, Safeguard Policies Review and Clearance is a decentralized regional function (down to the task team for low- and medium-risk projects) with a centralized coordination/dispute resolution mechanism (QACU)

9 Disabilities: Most relevant Safeguards Environmental Assessment Involuntary Resettlement Indigenous Peoples Disclosure and Consultation

10 EA Only: Categories A: most risky in terms of potentially negative environmental impacts (10%) B: medium risk (40% of pipeline) C: very little or no risk (50%) FI: limited to true intermediaries (few) Screening for EA category done jointly TT- Safeguards based on nature, size and location of the project as a whole. Scoping of issues is ad hoc.

11 Involuntary Resettlement Triggered in projects implying: Physical Relocation Economic Loss of Means of Livelihood Loss of Access to “ Wild ” Natural Resources Physical relocation should be done with appropriate means and acceptable to Project Affected People (PAPs) Consultation with PAPs during preparation and implementation

12 Indigenous Peoples (IPs) The Policy has just been converted to the OP/BP format (more than 7 years in the making) Affects about 250 m. IPs around the world (major concentrations: SAR, EAP, LCR) IPs should be treated with due respect and dignity, in a culturally sensitive way and projects affecting IPs should proceed on the basis of IPs ’ free, prior and informed consultation Likely to result in increased voice to disabled IPs

13 Disabilities and Safeguards Safeguards Entry Points Indigenous Peoples with disabilities Resettlement of disabled and elderly people Consultation involving disabled peoples ’ representatives Ibid with public disclosure Interpretations of EA, including analysis of universal design options

14 ISDS at PCN-Level – Key Screening Triggering of the individual SPs: check the matrix in the Red Binder Screening is agreed upon mutually between the Task Team and the Safeguards (for any investment project) Dispute resolution is designed to be fast and effective: QACU rules Disabilities issues should be upfront

15 Your Life Safeguarders Regions: AFR Warren Waters EAP Glenn Morgan ECA Ron Hoffer LCR Reidar Kvam MNA Sherif Arif SAR Eric Brusberg QACU (corporate) Stephen F. Lintner

16 Content of the red Binder  Verbatim of the 10 Safeguard Policies and of the Disclosure Policy  Matrix for each safeguard policy showing objectives and triggers  CD-ROM with all the policies, including translations into 6 major languages, reports, proceedings from workshops and links to other major resources  Mouse Pad with a summary of the policies  Brochures on QACU and the Inspection Panel

17 Disabilities and Safeguards Conclusion

18 What Safeguards can do for disabilities Safeguards have already been used to pilot and later mainstream innovations (public consultation, environmental protection clauses, …..) Safeguards as reminders of national laws Scoping of safeguards work can include universal design Disabilities concerns are logical in involuntary resettlement and indigenous peoples policies Some safeguard topics, e.g. road safety, help prevent further disabilities.

19 What Safeguards cannot do for disabilities Create a new disabilities policy Extend disabilities concerns beyond project scope if there is no national requirement/legislation Create stand-alone disabilities access projects (although this might be a good route to explore)

20 Development Policy Lending: an opportunity for disabilities? DPL finances policy and/or institutional reforms, sectoral or macroeconomic Many reforms can be disabilities-neutral or disabilities-positive, depending on (i) the knowledge of policy makers and (ii) the opportunity for the voices of the disabled to be heard Key sectors: urban, transport, health, education

21 After-Training Maintenance Safeguards Training Program: If it’s Wednesday, then it’s Safeguards Training Type “ safeguard ” in your URL or tell your clients to go to Call Help Desk x 32001 or write to We ’ re from QACU and we ’ re here to help you

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