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Ticket Program is just the Ticket! 2015 Rehabilitation and Transition Conference Green Bay, WI May 1, 2015 Charlene Dwyer, Operations Support Manager,

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Presentation on theme: "Ticket Program is just the Ticket! 2015 Rehabilitation and Transition Conference Green Bay, WI May 1, 2015 Charlene Dwyer, Operations Support Manager,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ticket Program is just the Ticket! 2015 Rehabilitation and Transition Conference Green Bay, WI May 1, 2015 Charlene Dwyer, Operations Support Manager, MAXIMUS Tammy Liddicoat, Operations Support Manager, MAXIMUS Gina Haupt, VR Specialist in Ticket to Work and Social Security Wisconsin DVR 1

2 Partnership Plus A Wisconsin Opportunity since April 2012

3 Partnership Plus: What is it? A functional definition “... the two programs provide a continuum of services - VR agencies provide more intensive, up-front services to help beneficiaries enter or return to work, while employment networks under the Ticket to Work program can provide longer-term supports to help beneficiaries stay at work.” Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on Employment for People with Disabilities (June 2012) 3

4 VR Community Rehabilitation Provider/EN EN VREN VREN Common Partnership Plus Models 4

5 TTWP Payments Snapshot 3/31/15 Six Partnership Plus ENs in Wisconsin Current Total Tickets Assigned March 31, 2015 Total EN Payments Historically FY 15 thru 03-31 payments 6$22,845.96$1,343.00 2$10,996.00$4,755.00 7$47,532.00$14,595.00 25$65,198.00$9,120.00 50$1,063,829.75$125,445.00 40$96,206.00$11,433.00 130$1,306,607.71$166,691.00

6 Partnership Plus Measure VR to EN Ticket national Partnership Plus 5 year VR to EN Ticket assignments As of 3/31/15 there were 6,294 VR to EN Ticket assignments nationwide 6

7 Wisconsin SGA + Wage Earner VR Program Graduates 7

8 TTWP Payments Snapshot March 31, 2015 8 Six Partnership Plus ENs in Wisconsin

9 Partnership Plus and Wisconsin How does it work in Wisconsin? –The agreement How many Partnership Plus EN’s are there currently in WI? What happens if we have concerns?

10 Benefits to EN’s Additional ability to get EN name out there - service provider to EN VR helps with marketing There is a constant point of contact with VR Less confusion in the process

11 Is there really the volume? VR submitted o FFY 14: 458 o FFY 15: 306 so far this year How to view these statistics How to get a higher volume of people coming to your EN.

12 What does VR look for Quality services Know your services Good communication Benefit Analysis IS A MUST! Specialization is always great (ie: works with deaf/hard of hearing etc)

13 Things I have noticed Things that have made EN’s successful o Communication with VR/Maximus/Consumer o Knowing their benefits Federal State County o A strong desire to help the consumer and see them be successful

14 Resources

15 Your Partnership Plus Resources Gina Haupt Tammy Liddicoat View Partnership Plus information and materials at: 15

16 16

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