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Perkins 2015-16 End of Year Evaluation Mitchell Community College.

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1 Perkins 2015-16 End of Year Evaluation Mitchell Community College

2 Perkins funding made a difference at our college by: Developing a SkillsUSA Collegiate Chapter at Mitchell Our Cosmetology team placed 4th in Fantasy Hair at the statewide conference Developing a partnership between our cosmetology program and local high schools utilizing their Career and Technical School facility. Providing materials for the Agribusiness program. Purchasing equipment for Advanced Manufacturing programs Purchasing supplies for visually impaired students.

3 Our college’s best practice using Perkins funds is: In the past our best practice has been to purchase supplies for our CTE programs. We have received approval from administration to focus on professional development next year.

4 Our College Perkins Team: NameTitleE-MailPhone Amy MoneyInstructional Services Assistant ammoney@mitchellcc.edu704-878-3264 Dr. Camille ReeseVice President for Instruction creese@mitchellcc.edu704-878-3264 John WilkinsonVice President of Finance and Administration jwilkinson@mitchellcc.edu704-878-3202

5 1. We strengthened the academic, career and technical skills of our students by: Developing CTE pathways in: Culinary arts Agribusiness Digital Media Technology Manicuring Nurse aide Welding

6 2. We linked career and technical education at the secondary level with career and technical education at the postsecondary level: Collaborated with CTE in both schools systems within the county and will be offering new CCP pathways for both school systems. Hosted over 150 high school students from both school systems at the Advanced Manufacturing Day. Developed plans for new CTE programs to be offered at Career and Technical School facility for Fall 2016.

7 3. We provided students with strong experience in, and understanding of all aspects of an industry by: Starting a local SkillsUSA chapter at Mitchell Community College. Participated in SkillsUSA competition in April and we placed 4 th in fantasy hair Participating in Advanced Manufacturing Day Over 150 high school students from local high schools participated in this event Hosting the Discover Mitchell Open House Students were exposed to all programs, college transfer, CCP, and CTE.

8 4. We developed, improved, or expanded the use of technology in career and technical education by: Providing distance learning training as it relates to our learning management system (Moodle) Developing a new Culinary Program that will be offered at the Career and Technical School facility. The first cohort of students will be a CCP pathway for local high schools Purchasing equipment for the new Manicuring program

9 5. We provided professional development: Computer Information Systems Faculty Curriculum redesign Linux training IT instructors conference Cisco Academy conference Cisco Certification training Nursing Faculty NC Associate Degree Nursing Council Conference April 20-22 (7 contact hours CEU) Gang Violence in NC Laerdal: Introduction to SimMom 2 day training (12 hours) Engineering Meeting with High Schools to learn about articulation and how we can improve Iredell Business and Education Alliance Team Faro arm training Career Bridge Summit, working with industry professionals learning what knowledge and skills they need from our graduates Jointly hosted with UNC Charlotte a meeting to learn about Engineering pathways

10 6. We developed and implemented evaluations of our career and technical education programs by: Competing in the SkillsUSA competitions Placed 4 th in fantasy hair

11 7. We Initiated, improved, expanded, and modernized quality career and technical education programs, including relevant technology by: Purchased Sim Man for Nursing Program Purchased equipment for new Agribusiness Program Purchased equipment for expansion into facility for Cosmetology

12 8. We provided services and activities that are of sufficient size, scope, and quality to be effective as evidenced by: Completion by Design

13 9. We provided activities to prepare special populations students who are enrolled in CTE courses by: Collaborating with continuing education to develop articulations for continuing education and curriculum. JAWS software was purchased to assist our special populations.

14 Closing Thoughts We will focus more heavily next year on 5 and 8. There were excellent professional development ideas from the CTE/Perkins conference in April and we are pursuing the Dacum idea next year through Perkins funds.

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