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Professional development office College and Career Readiness February 6, 2013.

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1 professional development office College and Career Readiness February 6, 2013

2 Curriculum & Instruction Education Services EDUCATION SERVICES Mission Statement of the CCSS  “The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers.”

3 Curriculum & Instruction Education Services EDUCATION SERVICES Blue Valley Strategic Plan GOALS 1. We will increase the academic performance of each student. 2. We will encourage the personal growth of each student.

4 Curriculum & Instruction Education Services EDUCATION SERVICES Blue Valley Strategic Plan Performance Targets 1. KSA 2. MAP 3. ACT Trilogy 4. AP and College Credit Bearing Classes 5. College and Career Ready 6. Personal Responsibility 7. Technology and Tools

5 Curriculum & Instruction Education Services EDUCATION SERVICES How do we know if our students are College and Career Ready?  MAP  EXPLORE/PLAN/ACT  AP  ACT  Dual Credit Classes (JCCC and Baker)  College Admission Rates

6 Curriculum & Instruction Education Services EDUCATION SERVICES  Kansas is working with Smarter Balanced  Technology testing-video, animation  Timed  Looking at improvement  Field testing now  Spring 2015 is the scheduled date for the first real KCCRS assessments New Assessments: What do we know about the new assessments?

7 Curriculum & Instruction Education Services EDUCATION SERVICES KCCRS Assessment Question Types  Selected-response items prompt students to select one or more responses for a set of options.  Technology-enhanced items take advantage of computer-based administration to assess a deeper understanding of content and skills than would otherwise be possible with traditional item types. Technology-enhanced items capitalize on technology to collect evidence through a non-traditional response type, such as editing text or drawing an object. Selected-response and technology-enhanced items can be scored automatically.  Constructed-response items prompt students to produce a text or numerical response in order to collect evidence about their knowledge or understanding of a given assessment target.  Performance tasks measure a student’s ability to integrate knowledge and skills across multiple standards—a key component of college and career readiness. Performance tasks will be used to better measure capacities such as depth of understanding, research skills, and complex analysis, which cannot be adequately assessed with selected- or constructed-response items. Some constructed- response items and performance tasks can be scored automatically; many will be hand-scored by professionally trained readers.

8 Curriculum & Instruction Education Services EDUCATION SERVICES Read the article “Planes on the Brain” by Elisabeth Deffner, from Faces Magazine. What is the author’s purpose? A. To inform B. To entertain C. To persuade D. To give instruction Assessment Question: Retired 8 th Grade Reading

9 Curriculum & Instruction Education Services EDUCATION SERVICES In describing the women's suffrage movement, the author uses such words as "battle," "militant," and "showdown." Do you think this is an effective way to describe the women's suffrage movement? Support your answer with two references to the article. Assessment Question: KCCRS 8 th Grade ELA

10 Curriculum & Instruction Education Services EDUCATION SERVICES Prompt: There are many ways to live a healthy life. Persuade a friend to adopt one significant healthy choice that will positively impact their daily life. Don’t forget to anticipate their counterarguments. Assessment Question: Retired High School Writing

11 Curriculum & Instruction Education Services EDUCATION SERVICES Classroom Activity (20 minutes)  Using visual stimuli (chart and photo), the teacher invites students to share prior knowledge of nuclear power. By way of class discussion, and in order to contextualize the examination of stimuli in Part 1, students are reminded of two basic understandings about nuclear power: 1) that it is one among several ways that societies produce electricity and 2) that its use is controversial. Part 1 (50 minutes)  Students examine and take notes on the stimuli, a series of Internet sources that present both sides of the nuclear debate. Constructed- response questions call upon the students to summarize and evaluate the presented sources. Part 2 (70 minutes)  Students refer to their notes as needed to compose a full-length argumentative report. Students are allowed access to the stimuli they examined in Part 1. Pre-writing, drafting, and revisions are involved. Products  Student responses to the constructed-response research questions at the end of Part 1 and the report completed in Part 2 will be scored. Notes completed in Part 1 and pre-writing and drafting in Part 2 will not be scored. Assessment Question: KCCRS High School ELA Performance TASK

12 Curriculum & Instruction Education Services EDUCATION SERVICES Assessment Question: Retired 5 th Grade Math

13 Curriculum & Instruction Education Services EDUCATION SERVICES Assessment Question: KCCRS 5 th Grade Math

14 Curriculum & Instruction Education Services EDUCATION SERVICES If the diameter of a circle is 100 centimeters, what is the circumference of the circle?  325 cm  628 cm  300 cm  314 cm  180 cm Assessment Question: Retired High School Math

15 Curriculum & Instruction Education Services EDUCATION SERVICES A circle has its center at (6, 7) and goes through the point (1, 4). A second circle is tangent to the first circle at the point (1, 4) and has one-fourth the area. What are the coordinates for the center of the second circle? Show your work or explain how you found your answer Assessment Question: KCCRS High School Math

16 Curriculum & Instruction Education Services EDUCATION SERVICES Further Communication and Updates:  Building PTA/PTO Presentations  PTA/PTO Presidents Council  Building Newsletters  Principal Communications  FAQ for Parents  BV Today Article  District Website District Website

17 Curriculum & Instruction Education Services EDUCATION SERVICES  Dr. Tonya Merrigan Executive Director of Curriculum & Instruction Blue Valley School District 913-239-4383

18 professional development office College and Career Readiness

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