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Published byBrett Haynes Modified over 8 years ago
Eastside Robotics Alliance / Newport Robotics Group 1 T/Th, 6:30 – 8:30 PM Big Picture School Day 3 · 10/9/2014
Display the sum of 4 numbers Display the remainder when the sum is divided by 3 2
We will be using the Java programming language during this course Java is advantageous because it is: Portable – runs on any computer with Java installed Simpler – a bit easier to learn than most other similar languages Safer – a lot harder to mess up your computer if you make a mistake in code (remember that no programming language is ever perfectly safe) 3
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a methodology that breaks programs into discrete, reusable units of code called ‘objects’ which attempt to model things in the real world Class – “Blueprint” that defines properties and behaviors applying to a set of objects Object – A specific instance of a class 4
A class defines 3 things about a type of object: Instance Fields - Information the object contains (data) Methods - What the object does Constructors - How the object is made 5
Code is a series of keywords and instructions that tell the computer what to do In Java, whitespace does not tell the computer to stop doing something, although you need at least one space between keywords Generally, we put each statement on its own line to make it easy to read A semicolon at the end of a statement tells the compiler where the statement ends; Curly braces { } create blocks of related code 6
boolean – true or false (Is the cow awake?) int – an integer (How many spots on a cow?) double – a precise floating-point number (How many pounds does the cow weigh?) Others float – less-precise floating-point number char – a text character, such as: ‘a’ ‘$’ ‘6’ A few more we probably don’t need to know… 7
We use variables to store data in the computer’s memory Before we can use a variable, we must declare it to the compiler A declaration consists of a data type and a variable name (plus a semicolon). Examples: boolean awake; int spots; 8
When naming things in Java, we have to keep things as one word Generally, it is best if variable names are as descriptive as possible For variables, leave the 1 st letter lowercase Capitalize the 1 st letter of each word This system is called camelCase (for the “hump” at the beginning of each word) Example: robotPositionOnField 9
Once you declare a variable with a primitive type, it contains its default value Default values: boolean: false int: 0 double: 0.0 float: 0.0f ▪ (f indicates it’s a float and not a double) 10
Once we have a variable, we can use it! Use the equals sign (=) to assign a value on the right to a variable on the left int studentCount; studentCount = 17; Now studentCount holds the value 17! 11
Declaring a variable and then setting its value is tedious. We can do this faster on one line: int studentCount; studentCount = 17; int studentCount = 17; These two statements are equivalent! When you declare a variable, you should almost always initialize it right away. 12
We can explain what code does or make notes about it using comments Code after two slashes ( // ) will be ignored by the Java compiler if it is on the same line Any code between /* and */ will be ignored, even if it is on multiple lines. Example: x = 2; /* This is a multi-line comment explaining my code. */ y = 3; // Here is a single-line comment. b = true; 13
Output boolean values – true or false Equality: == Greater than: > Less than: < Greater than or equal: >= Less than or equal: < = Not equal: != 14
AND && OR || true && true == truetrue || true == true true && false == falsetrue || false == true false && true == falsefalse || true == true false && false == falsefalse || false == false 15 NOT ! !true == false !false == true
Addition + Subtraction – Multiplication * Division / Remainder of Division % Increment (add 1) ++ Decrement (subtract 1) -- 16
To add 6 to a number, we could write: int x = 5; x = x + 6; Or we could use the += operator: int x = 5; x += 6 ; += adds a number at right to the value of x and stores the result back in the variable x A similar thing is true for -=, *=, /=, and %= 17
A group of characters (chars) that form text Use quotation marks to make a String Example: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.” You can display a String on the screen using System.out.println(“show this”); 18
When you run a program, the first thing that happens is the main method runs Code between the curly braces will be executed Don’t worry about the details of the first line — it will make more sense later (and Eclipse will automatically generate it for you) public static void main(String[] args) { //...Code you put here will run! } 19
This code will compute the sum of three integers and print it on the screen. int a = 5; int b = 7; int c = -1; int sum = a + b + c; System.out.println(sum); 20
Write code that does the following: Declares two integer variables Initializes the two variables Declares a variable to hold an average Assigns the average of the two integers to the average variable Prints the result 22
int a = 1; int b = 4; double average = (a + b) / 2.0; System.out.println(average); 23
Organize our code’s functions 24
A method is a block of code that performs some operation Think of it as a machine that both inputs and outputs data An accessor method provides access to data A mutator method changes data 25
Think of a method from our earlier example: We need to find the average of two integers. What are the inputs of the method? What is the output of the method? What does the method do? What is the method called? 26
A method name must describe what the method does accurately and succinctly Use camelCase starting with a lowercase letter Example: sumOfThreeInts 27
Inputs to a method are called parameters or arguments Just as before, we need to tell the compiler what data types the parameters are by declaring them Separate parameters by commas Example: int a, int b 28
When a method outputs a value, we say that it returns that value We must specify to the compiler what data type the method outputs This is called the return type If a method has no output, its return type is called void 29
A method should specify an access modifier to control who can use the method The most common access modifiers are public and private Public methods can be used by anyone Private methods can only be used internally Example: In an ATM machine, the method enterPIN should be public (users can press buttons), but the method releaseMoney should be private and only used internally 30
The method signature is the first line of any method and tells the compiler what the method does The method body, or code that runs when the method is used, must follow the “contract” set up by the method signature Example: if the signature says that the method outputs an int, the body cannot output a boolean. 31
We can make a method signature by putting the following parts together: Access Modifier Return Type Method Name Parameters (in parentheses) If there are no parameters, use empty parentheses (). Do not put void. Example: public int sumOfThreeInts(int a, int b, int c) Access ModifierReturn TypeMethod NameParameters 32
The body of the method is a block of code between two curly braces The method body uses the inputs and generates the output The return statement indicates the output public int sumOfThreeInts(int a, int b, int c) { //...(Method body goes here) return something; //something is an int } Method Signature 33
When we write the code for a method, we say that we implement that method public int sumOfThreeInts(int a, int b, int c) { int sum = a + b + c; return sum; } Implementation 34
Now we have created our method, or machine. However, just because it knows what to do doesn’t mean it gets used Example: A washing machine may have all the code it needs to run, but nothing will happen until the user puts clothes in and turns it on To make a method run, we call it. 35
To call a method, put the method name and values for any parameters in parentheses Example: sumOfThreeInts(5, 2, 1) In this case, the method will run with a having a value of 5, b with a value of 2, and c with a value of 1. However, we don’t do anything with the value the method returns in this case 36
We can make use of method calls by storing their return values in a variable. Example: int x = sumOfThreeInts(1, 4, -3); In this example, after the line of code runs, x will have a value of 2. 37
Before you try it? 38
Write the method for the average of two integers complete with a method signature and implementation. Call your method from the main method. Store the return value from your method in a variable you declare in main Print out the return value from your method at the end of the main method. 39
public double average(int a, int b){ double a = a+b; a = a/2; return a; } public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println(average(6,9)); //prints out 7.5 } 40
Write a program that takes in 3 doubles and returns in the difference between the mean and the sum. Call your method from main(String[] args) 41
public double a(double a, double b, double c){ return (a+b+c)*2.0/3.0; } public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println(a(5.5,7.5,9)); } 42
Write a program that takes in 2 integers and returns the larger. No if statements. Can use Math in java’s library 43
public static int(int a, int b){ return(Math.abs(a-b)+a+b)/2; } 44
Extend the problem to a method that takes in an array of integers and returns the largest one. 45
public static int max(int[] a, int i){ if(i == 1){ return(Math.abs(a[0]-a[1])+a[0]+a[1]); } int[] b = new int[2]; b[0] = a[i]; b[1] = max(a,i-1); return max(b,1); } 46
Write a method that takes in an integer n, and outputs all the reduced fractions from 0 to 1 in increasing order with denominator less than or equal to n. 47
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