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Major Characteristics of Korean Economy Focused on Pre-Crisis Period.

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1 Major Characteristics of Korean Economy Focused on Pre-Crisis Period

2 Corporate Structure Led by large enterprises with chaebol system.  Small number of large conglomerates (groups) composed of many enterprises in diverse sectors.  Group enterprises are interlocked thru complicated ownership structure, but ultimately controlled by a family. Chaebol system helped to nurture key enterprises within the group thru cross-subsidization.  An organizational response to underdeveloped capital market, labor market.- efficient at some stage. eg. Hyundae Motors, Samsung semi-conductor, etc.  Potentially dangerous practice. High debt ratio (debt/equity).  Expansion of the firms depended on bank loan (in many cases, sponsored by government).

3 Financial Structure Major banks controlled by government.  Special banks (owned by state), commercial banks (joint- stock company, but controlled by government)  Shareholding limit strongly enforced, forbidding the existence of controlling shareholder.  Top bank officials appointed/dismissed by government. Many non-bank financial institutions (secondary financial institutions) owned & controlled by chaebols.  Many kinds, such as merchant bank (specializing in short- term finance), security company, insurance company, etc.  Diverted client’s saving (or foreign borrowing) for loan to group companies- potential threat to financial market stability.

4 Strong Influence by government Government led the process of economic development until the 1980s.  Attempt to adjust (upgrade) the industrial structure over time. <cf: market Main tool for industrial policy: credit rationing.  Strong government influence on bank’s loan decision.  To the specific sectors and specific companies.  Non-performing loan (NPL) accumulated for most Korean banks over a long-period.  Frequent corruption/scandal. Triangle structure (of gov’t- bank- chaebol) formed, as leading entity of Korean economy.

5 Foreign economic relations Strong emphasis on exports.  Export performance: major criterion of bank loan decision. * contest, not-market competition.  Export/import credit & tax incentives widely utilized. Foreign capital actively utilized.  Mostly, foreign loan channeled to chaebols. Foreign debt accumulated to a substantial level.  FDI was rather discouraged, mainly for protecting domestic companies (mainly, chaebol). Opening of financial market delayed, but accelerated in 1990s without proper preparations.

6 Assessment of Performances Succeeded in “compressed” economic growth.  Achieve high & sustained economic growth for a relatively short period.  Tried to follow Japan in many aspects. Economic/social problems were accumulating behind the rapid economic growth.  Weak supervision of financial sector with NPL accumulating, over-investment in some sectors, weak disciplining of failed firms, etc  Widening gap in wealth distribution, corruptions, environmental pollution, etc.  Rampant speculation on real-estate (land, housing).  Democracy postponed, with some human rights abuse.  Low respect to the wealthy people.

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