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A warm welcome to your Active Birth Class AIMS….. – To give you information and techniques which will enable you to have a more positive birthing experience.

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Presentation on theme: "A warm welcome to your Active Birth Class AIMS….. – To give you information and techniques which will enable you to have a more positive birthing experience."— Presentation transcript:


2 A warm welcome to your Active Birth Class

3 AIMS….. – To give you information and techniques which will enable you to have a more positive birthing experience. – To make you feel more in control of your birth – To give you a greater understanding of your body and your baby throughout the labour and birthing process.

4 The Fear/Tension/Pain Principle Stress/Panic Raised blood pressure Reduced contractions/strength Reduced oxygen-rich blood to the muscles in the womb Cervix slower to dilate or STOPS dilating Increase in pain

5 PREPARATION :- Getting your baby ‘lined-up’!!.......

6 Sit forwards and upright when possible………

7 Don’t slouch on the couch!!! When you hold an ‘imaginary torch’ on your belly button, the beam of light should point straight and outwards, not down to the floor or up to the ceiling! Find a balance between rest and activity …..but rest right!!

8 Birthing/Gym balls have many uses …….

9 The Latent Phase of Labour The cervix is changing – softening, thinning, shortening (polo mint!) Irregular Stop and start Can last several days!!!!!! Home is the best place at this time Preparation Distraction

10 Latent phase/labour activities….

11 The labour dance…….!

12 The Rebozo A Rebozo is a traditional Mexican scarf and has many varied uses for pregnancy and labour. Any scarf or shawl you have at home can be used but it needs to be long and made of a non-stretchy material (cotton works well) It can be used to support a woman in various positions.

13 This gentle but effective technique, “sifting”, can be used in pregnancy and during labour.

14 Remember …..keep active!

15 How long does the latent phase last? I’m having contractions but they are irregular. Should I eat and drink? How can I cope with the pain? When should I ring the hospital? Should I be active or should I rest? How can I prepare?

16 Potter around at home

17 Time to relax

18 Stay active Remember to rest

19 Eat slow-release energy foods, carbohydrates Remember to drink – muscles are 30% less effective when you’re dehydrated. Isotonic drinks Honey Remember to go to the toilet Food and Drink

20 Coping with labour

21 When to ring the hospital?

22 Be prepared

23 L - Length A - Activity T - Time E - Encouragement N - Nutrition T - Touch

24 Birthing Partners Role Only use encouraging, positive words Look into her eyes Remind her to eat….drink………visit the loo! (Don’t forget your own needs) DON’T CLOCK WATCH!!

25 Be aware of…….. Her shoulders – are they raised? Her face - is she tense, frowning? Her jaw – is it set, is she gritting her teeth? Gently encourage/remind her to lower and relax her shoulders pushing them down and back. This will help her breathe more deeply too. “Soft face” is a smooth forehead, slightly open mouth and relaxed jaw. (Blowing raspberries or making ‘horse’ noises is a good way to relax the mouth – may also make her laugh!)

26 The Benefits of Massage It’s instinctive Releases body’s own natural painkillers – endorphins Improves circulation It’s reassuring It makes us feel loved, cared-for and valued

27 Try some massage at home…..


29 Massaging the Perineum 1.RELAX! 2.Place your thumbs 3-4cm inside the vagina 3.Press downwards and to the sides at the same gently stretching until you feel a tingly/stinging sensation 4.Keep the pressure steady at that point for about 2 mins until area becomes numb or tingles less. 5.Keep pressing with your thumbs slowly and gently massage back and forth for 3 – 4 mins (Imagine how this area will be stretched by baby’s head as he/she is born. 6.Can be done from 34 weeks massaging 3-4 times per week then daily from 38 weeks increasing the time up to 4-5 minutes.

30 Relaxation and Breathing Normal breathing or “chest breathing” uses lots of muscles, a lot of energy and keeps the chest in a constant state of tension Abdominal breathing uses the diaphragm which is only 1 muscle and is more effective at expanding the lungs. So you get more air …………..with less work! Try it!! Place hands loosely on abdomen and relax, breathing in and out pushing the tummy and watching it rise and fall. You may find it useful to count the breaths in and out (or your birthing partner can count for/with you) Always breathe out for longer than you breathe in…i.e. Breath in for a count of 4 and out for a count of 6? You may find it useful to focus on something in the room, your partner’s face, a picture, the view from the window to help you concentrate and fully relax.

31 The End. Thank you for attending this session we hope you have found it interesting. Please contact your community midwife if you have any further questions. Good Luck!

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