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PEDAGOGY Active Collaborative Student Centered Differentiation/ Personalization 1.

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Presentation on theme: "PEDAGOGY Active Collaborative Student Centered Differentiation/ Personalization 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 PEDAGOGY Active Collaborative Student Centered Differentiation/ Personalization 1

2 How can you flip your Chinese language classroom? Questions 2

3 ✤ How can students learn in just 5-10 minutes? Questions 15-10 minute video50 minute lesson 在短短的五到十分钟里,学生如何学习呢? Concentrated information No classroom distractions Ability to rewind Motivation 3

4 ✤ What if students don’t have access to the Internet? Questions ✤ Provide CDs or flash drive ✤ Library access ✤ Classroom computer access ✤ Buddy up! 学生如果无法上网怎么办 ? 4

5 ✤ What if students don’t watch the videos? Questions Clear Expectations Parent Support Incentive System 如果学生不看指定教学影片怎么办 ? 5

6 6 Letter to Parents Classroom Economy

7 ✤ How do I know if the students watch the videos? 如何评估学生是否有看指定教学影片呢 ? 7 Watch Summarize Questions 看总结问题

8 How? 8

9 9 3 Examples from a Flipped Kindergarten Classroom This is My FamilyParts of My Body My Hobbies 2 Examples from the first week in Secondary School Chinese Class Classroom Commands Hobbies and Sports

10 This is My Family. 这是我的家 10

11 I can identify members of my family. I can express my family members ages. I can introduce my family with 这是 I can express occupations of family members. My Family Can Do Statements Step 1. 11

12 Use existing resources Create your own resources OR Step 2. 1.Teachers prepare videos. 老师提供指定优良教学影片 12

13 Watch Summarize Questions 看 总结 问题 13EnglishPinyinCharacters This is zhè shì 这是 My family w ǒ de jiā 我的家 Mom mā mā 妈妈 Dadbà爸爸 Older Sister Iě jiě 姐姐 Older Brother gē gē 哥哥 Younger Sister mèi mei 妹妹 Older Sister Jiě jiě 姐姐 I’m Called w ǒ jiào 我叫 Has/Have yǒuyǒuyǒuyǒu有 Measure word for People kǒukǒukǒukǒu口 My w ǒ de 我的 Doctor yī shēng 医生 Teacher l ǎ o shī 老师 University student dà xué shēng 大学生 Hello everybody dà jiā h ǎ o 大家好 My Family NEW WORDS Step 3.

14 ✤ Weiwei and Feifei Cartoon Series made at At Home 14 URL: LRky75ZheE

15 In-class ✤ Review of video as a whole group ✤ Question Time / Direct Teaching 3 minute s 5 minute s ✤ Talk Partner Time (TPT) (Teacher Assessment) 5 minute s ✤ Apply new content - TASK CARDS ✤ Quick Quiz of video content with ‘koosh ball’ 30 minute s 15

16 TASK CARD #2TASK CARD #1 You are traveling on a plane to China. A stranger sees you looking through your phone at your family photos and asks you who they are. Write a script and perform ‘This is your Life’ skit. Introduce each family member and 1 piece of information about each one. 16

17 17

18 My Dancing Potato 18

19 19 I can identify parts of the body. I can use measure words ( 只,张, 个 ) I can use numbers I can ask if someone would like to dance. Step 1. My Body Can Do Statements 19

20 Watch Summarize Questions 看 总结 问题 20 Step 2. tǔdòu potato shǒu hands yǎnjīng eyes bízi nose mouth zuǐ Shuí xiǎng tiàowǔ Who wants to dance? feet tuǐ màozi hat

21 Parts of My Body 21 ZcKsTQ-UzI

22 ✤ Question Time (Assessment) ✤ Make a Book about Body Parts. ✤ Talk Partners - Practice song. ✤ Exit slip 上课时,总是以问问题和讨论作为开场 ✤ Quick Quiz with Teams 5 minute s 3 minute s 5 minute s 40 minute s 3 minute s In-class 22

23 23 First Week of Chinese Expectations Why learn Chinese? Establish Routines Essential Classroom Words

24 I can respond to simple classroom commands. I can greet my teacher at the start of class. I can understand the use of: 你,她,他,我 I can listen actively and guess meaning by context and gestures. Essential Classroom Words Can Do Statements Step 1. 24

25 25 Watch Summarize Questions 看 总结 问题

26 26 First Day of Secondary School XFwMZ3UmOE

27 ✤ Question Time (Assessment) ✤ Begin Chinese Journal Writing ✤ Talk Partners - ‘Mirror Me’ 上课时,总是以问问题和讨论作为开场 ✤ Simon Says… Game 5 minute s 3 minute s 5 minute s 30 minute s In-class 27

28 STEP 1 ✤ CHOOSE a topic you want to flip. 想想你想颠覆什么样的教学主题呢? Hobbies 爱好 28

29 决定教学目标和学生的学习效果。 Student Learning Outcomes STEP 2 ✤ I Can…. 1.Tell others what my hobbies are. 2.Express hobbies I dislike. 3.Ask others what they like/don’t like to do. 4. Invite someone to do an activity on the weekend. 29

30 ✤ What is the language content? STEP 3 30

31 3 Questions I have 1. 2. 3. Summarize what you learnt from watching the video: STEP 4 Watch Summar ize Question s 31

32 32 STEP 6 Students are given TASK CARDS to apply the new content.

33 33 TASK CARD WORK WITH A PARTNER I am a Journalist for a popular website. I am meeting with a famous sports celebrity to talk about his/her favorite sports and hobbies. HOW WILL YOU DEMONSTRATE YOUR LEARNING? Present the interview to the class using Chinese only. The interview must include a minimum of 8 questions and answers.

34 34 Hobbies Ms. Li9 Tell others what my hobbies are. Express hobbies I dislike. Ask others what they like/don’t like to do. Invite someone to do an activity on the weekend. Flash drive available for students Watch, Summarize, Questions Worksheet Interview a Celebrity Sportsperson Topic/Theme Level Vocabulary Grammar Sentence Structures Learning Outcomes Technology At Home Resources Summative Assessment Formative Assessment Interview a Celebrity Sports person. Quiz about sports Talk Partner Observations Questions Worksheet Koosh Ball Observations Flash-drives with video content Letter to parents W.S.Q worksheets Video URLs Interview Task Cards

35 Flip It! More class time Support from parents Collaboration Motivation Creativity Independent learners Positive interaction Differentiation /Personalization

36 Email: URL: 36

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