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Paul Sutton, Chief Executive Reviewing 2014/15 and looking forwards.

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Presentation on theme: "Paul Sutton, Chief Executive Reviewing 2014/15 and looking forwards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paul Sutton, Chief Executive Reviewing 2014/15 and looking forwards

2 Who we are and what we do South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust works across Kent, Surrey, Sussex and parts of NE Hants:  Serves a population of c. 5 million  Responds to 999 calls from the public  Provides non-emergency patient transport services in Surrey and Sussex  Provides the NHS 111 urgent advice service for Kent, Surrey and Sussex

3 Our sites We deliver our services from 110 sites including:  One HQ and two regional offices  Two 111 contact centres in Dorking and Ashford  Three 999 Call Centres  Five Make Ready Centres & 49 Ambulance Community Response Post  46 Ambulance Stations  Two Hazardous Area Response Centres

4 Our People  We employ 3,734 staff – 88% have direct patient contact and all are working towards our vision: “Putting patients first, we will match international excellence through our culture of innovation.” Delivered through our values:  Be Proud  Show Respect  Have Integrity  Be Innovative  Take Responsibility

5 Our Foundation Trust During the year we:  Increased our public membership from 8,535 to 9,272 members  Our current membership is 9,567 and numbers continue to grow  Our recruitment has focussed on increasing representation from patients, carers and volunteers and improving geographical representation

6 A busy year!  690,000 999 emergency calls  496,000 patient transport services (PTS) journeys  1,137,000 NHS 111 calls

7 Providing the right response During the year:  45% of 999 callers taken to hospital  82,562 999 calls dealt with as “Hear and Treat” – providing clinical advice & direction over the phone (up 7,000 on previous year)  257,751 patients managed at home as ‘See and Treat’ - providing assessment, treatment and onward referral if needed = Better for patients, better for the system

8 999 Activity Page No 8 of 88

9 999 Performance  During 2014/15 we:  Attended 9,880 calls categorised as Red 1 within 8 minutes, meeting the national standard of 75% (75.3%)  Attended 259,937 calls categorised as Red 2 within 8 minutes (73.3% against the national standard of 75%)  Achieved the target (95%) of an ambulance arriving at scene within 19 minutes of an ambulance being requested by the clinician, 95.2% of the time (for Red 1 and Red 2 calls) Page No 9 of 99

10 Challenges during the year  Meeting rising demand  Whole system/hospital pressures  Recruitment & retention  Providing a flexible & responsive NHS 111 service

11 Key highlights  Overall good performance in tough environment  Achievement of Red 1 target and ‘A19’ target  Real improvements in PTS and 111 performance during year  Response from staff during difficult winter

12 Cardiac Arrest – all patients SECAmb performance = consistently above national mean

13 Cardiac Arrest - Utstein SECAmb performance = continuing to improve

14 Page No 14 of 1414 Cardiac Arrest – Survival to Discharge SECAmb performance = above upper national limit

15 More work to do in current year…  Safely responding to system pressures  Re-invigorate clinical direction – cardiac strategy  Transformation  Operating Units & Community Paramedic Schemes  EOC reconfiguration & new HQ  Roll-out of ePCR  Delivering Cost Improvement Programmes (CIPs)  Managing changes in PTS provision  Recruitment, retention & engagement

16 But must maintain capability…  To provide a full response to whatever we are faced with!  Shoreham Major Incident  Medway Page No 16 of 1616

17 Thank you

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