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Crescent College Comprehensive S.J. Traditional Leaving Certificate Subject Choice Denis O’Callaghan, Ita Danaher, Dermot Cowhey, Peter MoloneyGuidance.

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Presentation on theme: "Crescent College Comprehensive S.J. Traditional Leaving Certificate Subject Choice Denis O’Callaghan, Ita Danaher, Dermot Cowhey, Peter MoloneyGuidance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crescent College Comprehensive S.J. Traditional Leaving Certificate Subject Choice Denis O’Callaghan, Ita Danaher, Dermot Cowhey, Peter MoloneyGuidance Counsellors

2 Choosing a Subject A wise choice of subjects requires: RESEARCH DISCUSSION REFLECTION DECISION Subject Teachers, Guidance Classes, TY Programme L.C. Books, Publications, Other Students Guidance Counsellors, Current Teachers Family, Friends Consider all the information, views and opinions Then, ultimately each student must make up their own mind.

3 Choosing a Subject Key Questions 1. What subjects is the school offering? 2. If I’m interested in a particular course/career area, what subjects are essential? ( Course Entry Requirements) 3. If not essential, what subjects would be useful/helpful for this course/career area? 4. What subjects do I like? (motivation) (not the teacher) 5. What subjects am I relatively good at? (DATs) (JC)

4 Leaving Certificate Programme Leaving Certificate is a 2 year programme.  Full time commitment required over 2 years. Usually a maximum of 7 subjects are taken for the Leaving Certificate.  An extra (8 th ) subject?  For points purposes best 6 subjects are counted. Almost all subjects are of equal importance.  Extra points will be awarded in all universities and ITs for honours Mathematics in LC

5 Optional Subjects (4) BUSINESS Business Accountancy Economics SCIENCE Biology Physics Chemistry Agricultural Science LANGUAGES French German Spanish APPLIED SCIENCES Home Economics Construction Studies Engineering Design and Communication Graphics Applied Maths SOCIAL STUDIES History Geography Music Art Information about LC subjects can be found on the college website:, and the NCCA website:

6 Leaving Certificate Programme Highly Desirable Subjects  Unless there is a substantial reason otherwise, all students should definitely consider choosing: 1. a modern language (NUI*) 2. a science subject. Subject Levels  Higher and Ordinary level  all subjects.  Foundation level  Mathematics & Irish. LC subject selection  Core subjects: English, Mathematics & Irish*  Optional subjects: Usually 4 other subjects are chosen

7 Click on - School student - Leaving Cert - Leaving Cert subjects - (Each subject explained in great detail)

8 Entry Requirements Care must be taken as the choices of subjects made now may determine 3rd level and career options in 2 years time. Why? Regardless of how many points you get in your LC, you will be ineligible to even apply for a course if you have not met it’s “Course Entry Requirements” Generally there are 2 sets of ‘Entry Requirements’ which must be met before ‘points’ can be considered. A)Minimum Entry Requirements  Particular subjects eg English and minimum no. of honours / passes in the L.C. required to apply to an individual college. B)Specific Course Requirements  Particular subjects and/or levels required to gain entry to specific faculties or courses.

9 New LC grading scale, to be introduced in 2017 NEW GRADES % MARKS H1 / O1 90-100 H2 / O2 80<90 H3 / O3 70<80 H4/ O4 60<70 H5 / O550<60 H6 / 05 40<50 H7 / O7 30<40 H8 / O8 0<30

10 Revised Common Points Scale in 2017 Higher Ordinary GRADEPOINTSGRADE POINTS H1 100 H2 88 H3 77 H4 66 H5 56 O1 56 H6 46 O2 46 H7 37 O3 37 H8 0 O4 28 O5 20 O6 12 O7 0 Maths H6 upwards + 25 points O8 0

11 Minimum Entry Requirements of major CAO Colleges InstitutionMinimum gradesRequired subjects NUI Colleges: UCD, NUIM, NUIG, UCC. (RCSI, Shannon, Miltown) 2H5 + 4O6/H7O6 in English, Irish & Modern Language*. Trinity College Dublin3H5 + 3O6/H7O6 in Maths, English & another Language Dublin City University2H5 + 4O6/H7O6 in Maths, English or Irish University of Limerick2H5 + 4O6/H7O6 in Maths, English & Irish or another Lang. Dublin Institute of Technology 2H5 + 4O6/H7O6 in Maths, English or Irish Institutes of Technology2H5 + 4O6/H7O6 in Maths, English or Irish

12 Specific Course Requirements These requirements are in addition to Minimum Entry Requirements. They are specific L.C. subjects / grades required for entry to particular courses. They tend to be in the following subject areas:  Science subjects  Languages  Mathematics E.g. Veterinary Medicine in UCD Entry Requirements:  2H5 + 4O6, O6 in English, Irish, Modern Language & Mathematics, H6/H7 in Chemistry.

13 Appliance of Science

14 Specific Course Requirements Unlikely that 3rd/TY students will know exactly, which courses/careers they wish to pursue at this stage. But from looking at their interests, abilities and aptitudes they may be able to identify broad areas of interest and hence check potential course entry requirements. Course Entry Requirements can be accessed: a) In the college’s prospectuses b) On the college’s websites c) – Subject Requirements It is only when all course entry requirements are met that students are qualified to apply for a course.

15 General Advice If a student is not really sure what he/she wants to do in the future: Pick a broad range of subjects in order to keep options open Many students will change their minds about their future a number of times in the next 2 years E.g.  one language  one science  one business  one applied science/ social science. This combination would allow access into a broad range of courses/careers.

16 Important Points DCG/Construction Studies are not needed to do Engineering. Maths and Physics are more important. Art is generally not needed for Art and Design courses. A portfolio is however. For Business courses, Maths is generally a requirement rather than Business subjects. No subjects are gender specific. Every student is unique (interests, abilities and aptitudes), hence they should choose subjects based on these and not current friendships or the opinions of others. Students should be aware of balancing subjects which help maximise points vs. subjects which may be of benefit to them in the future.

17 Timetable of Events 1. February 24th – Parents Night 5 th year options. 2. February – Class presentations continue. 3. March 10 th – Deadline for submission of application forms for subject preferences. 4. April – Generation of classes begins.

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