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Albert Wat, Senior Policy Analyst, Education Division National Smart Start Conference May 7, 2014 A Comprehensive State Strategy to Improve Third Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Albert Wat, Senior Policy Analyst, Education Division National Smart Start Conference May 7, 2014 A Comprehensive State Strategy to Improve Third Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Albert Wat, Senior Policy Analyst, Education Division National Smart Start Conference May 7, 2014 A Comprehensive State Strategy to Improve Third Grade Reading Proficiency

2 Thanks to… Our funders Alliance for Early Success Annie E. Casey Foundation Heising-Simons Foundation Robert R. McCormick Foundation David and Lucile Packard Foundation An anonymous donor Our policy and research experts Diane August, Sue Bredekamp, Dina Castro, David Dickinson, Nell Duke, Ellen Frede, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Nonie Lesaux, Susan Neuman, Jeanne Paratore, Timothy Shanahan, Dorothy Strickland Bobbie Burnham, Kathy Christie, Linda Fandel, Theresa Hawley, Rich Long, Ashley Parrot, Barbara O’Brien, Jada Rupley, Christine Scanlan, and Emily Workman Our consultant Anna Lovejoy 2

3 3 Source: U.S. Department of Education, Institute for Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), 2011 Reading

4 Children Not Graduating by Age 19 4 TOTALPROFICENTNOT PROFICIENT From Hernandez, Donald J., Double Jeopardy: How Third-Grade Reading Skills and Poverty Influence High School Graduation. The Annie E. Casey Foundation; Center for Demographic Analysis, University at Albany, State of New York; Foundation for Child Development (2012).

5 Research Consensus 1: Reading Proficiency Requires a Comprehensive Approach… 5 Code-based Skills Content Knowledge Meaning- based Skills Reading Proficiency More attention paid to code-based skills.

6 Research Consensus 2: Language and Literacy Development Begins at Birth… 6 Policies mostly focus on K-3 Limited access to early learning opportunities

7 Research Consensus 3: Parents, Caregivers, Educators Have the Most Influence 7 These adults lack supports to provide high- quality interactions or instruction.

8 5 Policy Actions for a Comprehensive Strategy 1.Adopt comprehensive language and literacy standards to inform curricula and assessments. 2.Expand access to high-quality early care and education. 3.Engage and support parents as partners in early language and literacy development. 4.Equip B-3 rd educators with the necessary skills and knowledge for improving reading proficiency. 5.Develop mechanisms to promote continuous improvement and accountability. 8

9 Opportunities for State Leaders Develop a B-3 rd strategy and use the “bully pulpit” Cultivate cross-agency leadership Beef up early learning opportunities –Child care quality –Quality Rating and Improvement Systems –Access to pre-k and full-day kindergarten –Quality standards – monitoring and support Focus on educators’ knowledge and practice –Professional standards and expectations –Strengthen teacher & principal preparation –Make professional development count Build state & district capacity for implementation 9

10 Contact Info Albert Wat – National Governors Association 10

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