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CER A way to analyze data and justify your conclusions.

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1 CER A way to analyze data and justify your conclusions

2 CER Claim: Study the tables and make a claim about the relationship. Evidence: Site and compare specific data points or trends to justify your claim. Reasoning or Rationale: Try to explain why the trends or data points are the way they are. Use scientific terminology

3 Zn Cu SO 4 Who would win if we put Zinc metal and iron metal in copper sulfate at the same time? Fe


5 Which of the following can push electrons on to hydrogen ions Copper Mercury Silver Zinc Which of the following is best becoming an ion Tin Magnesium Lead Copper

6 Arrange the following in order of decreasing ability to push electrons on to another element Silver Sodium Aluminum Tin

7 These Standard reduction values can be used to measure the total power of the push of electrons from an atom onto an ion



10 Zn  Zn +2 + 2e - Cu 2+ + 2e-  Cu

11 Cu 2+ + 2e-  Cu +0.34 volts But we cant find Zn  Zn +2 + 2e - only Zn 2+ + 2e-  Zn -0.76 volts Well if we flip the reaction we would get Zn  Zn +2 + 2e - +0.76

12 So now we know Zn  Zn +2 + 2e - +0.76V Cu 2+ + 2e-  Cu +0.34V

13 So Electropotential of Ag + + e-  Ag Is the same as the EP of 2Ag + + 2e-  2Ag

14 If copper and silver are used to build a cell which would gain electrons What is the electropotential of Cu +2 + 2 e-  Cu 0.34V Ag + + e-  Ag 0.80V



17 When first testing are to derive electro potentials the hydrogen electrode is always placed as the negative electrode of a cell and is written as: As a cathode it would be written as As an anode it would be written as Pt 2H + (aq), H 2(g) 2H + (aq), H 2(g) Pt

18 Zinc Half cell is simply a 1 molar solution of zinc ions (zinc nitrate aqueous) with an electrode of zinc metal If it is the cathode the it would be written as Zn(s),Zn +2 as an anode it would be written as Zn 2+ (aq), Zn (s)


20 Zn (s) Zn 2+ (aq), Cu +2 (aq) Cu (s) Zn (s) Zn 2+ (aq), H + (aq), H 2(s) Pt Pt H 2(s), H + (aq) Cu 2+ (aq),, Cu (s)

21 Oxidation Reduction Remember An Ox and Red Cat Zn (s) Zn 2+ (aq), Cu +2 (aq) Cu (s)


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