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WRITING A COMPARE/CONTRAS T ESSAY. INTRODUCTION  Thesis Statement: Tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper. A thesis offers a view.

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2 INTRODUCTION  Thesis Statement: Tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper. A thesis offers a view on a subject. It is not the subject itself. Subject=Tacos and Hamburgers Thesis= Both tacos and hamburgers are both delicious foods.

3 BODY  Organizational Pattern: Whole to Whole- Describe one topic first (pros and cons) and then moves on to the next topic. Similarities to Differences-Write about all similarities first and then write about all of the differences. Point to Point-Write about one point for each topic and then move on to the next point for each topic.

4 BODY  Compare/Contrast Key Words In comparison In contrast As opposed to  Positives & Negatives for EACH side

5 ANECDOTE  Your own personal experience/story  Has to relate to your topic & serve a purpose for telling it

6 CONCLUSION  Your thoughts/opinions on the subject  Before now, don’t get personally involved

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