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Scenario: All in One ECC TG6#2, Lisboa, 3-5 December 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Scenario: All in One ECC TG6#2, Lisboa, 3-5 December 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scenario: All in One ECC TG6#2, Lisboa, 3-5 December 2013

2 The purpose of this proposal The future here is to be understood as a time beyond the technologies and services already established or currently under development. Sweden proposes that the description of this scenario is included in the draft report and that the time frame for the long term vision for the UHF broadcasting band is extended accordingly (year 2034?).

3 The long term vision scenario that is presented here should give us a plausible picture of the use of the UHF broadcasting band in the future. A future defined as a time beyond the technologies and services already established or under development. Today we have a service provider on one side and a consumer on the other, with a broadcast or mobile network connecting them. In this scenario there are no borders between different networks as we know today – all networks can co-operate, ensuring the best service to a consumer (year 2034?).

4 SERVICE Smart Data Quantities

5 TERMINAL The generic smart communication unit

6 TERMINAL FOR PERSONAL USE The generic smart communication unit


8 The radio networks of different kinds enable communication between communication units in simple and efficient manner by co- operating with each other. The technology used for delivery of the smart data quantities is based on the dynamic cognitive communication where the generic smart communication unit analyses its task. The generic smart communication unit chooses in co-operation with the radio network the best suited transmission path, frequency and infrastructure. DELIVERY

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