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Integrating Cost-of-Care Conversation Resources into the Clinical Workflow Optimizing Cost-of-Care Conversations Between Clinicians and Vulnerable Patients.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Cost-of-Care Conversation Resources into the Clinical Workflow Optimizing Cost-of-Care Conversations Between Clinicians and Vulnerable Patients."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Cost-of-Care Conversation Resources into the Clinical Workflow Optimizing Cost-of-Care Conversations Between Clinicians and Vulnerable Patients CFP Applicant Webinar Domitilla Masi, MS, senior associate at Avalere Health Josh Seidman, PhD, senior vice president at Avalere Health Emmy Ganos, PhD, program officer Maddie Moreira, program financial analyst

2 Outline Overview Integrating Cost-of-Care Conversation Resources into the Clinical Workflow Background What we are looking for CFP Highlights Timeline Optimizing Cost-of-Care Conversations Between Clinicians and Vulnerable Patients Background What we are looking for CFP Highlights Timeline Questions

3 3 Overview To see the full infographic, visit: For additional insight on our thinking, please read the blog posted here:

4 Integrating Cost-of-Care Conversation Resources into the Clinical Workflow

5 5 Background The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s (RWJF) vision for a Culture of Health: everyone must have access to affordable, high-quality health care. Growing health care costs and OOP spending for patients Clinicians have little experience/training how to incorporate health costs into health care decision-making Need to “make the right thing the easy thing to do” for clinicians. Need to establish best practices for embedding cost-of care conversation resources into the workflow of clinical teams and the daily “life flow” of patients/caregivers.

6 6 What we are looking for To establish best practices for how tools/resources that support cost-of-care conversations can be better embedded into clinical workflow and patient/caregiver “life flow”. Major topics of interest may include, but are not limited to: Access to electronic data and supports Patient and/or caregiver flow Team-based approach

7 7 CFP Highlights Total Awards Up to $900,000 will be available under this CFP Project funding can be up to $250,000 for studies of up to 12 months Three to five studies will be funded Studies with varying budget levels will be funded

8 8 CFP Highlights Select Eligibility Criteria All researchers as well as practitioners and public and private policymakers working with researchers, are eligible to submit proposals through their organizations. Applicant organizations must be based in the U.S. or its territories. Preference will be given to applicants that are either public entities or non profit organizations that are tax exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the International Revenue Code and are not private foundations or Type III supporting organizations.

9 9 CFP Highlights Applicants will be selected based on The novelty and significance of the best practices explored The incorporation of consumers and clinicians A strong methodology Ability to produce and share lessons quickly Qualifications & expertise Timeline & budget

10 10 Timeline July 27, 2016 (3 p.m. ET) Deadline for receipt of full proposals September 15, 2016 Notification of finalists December 1, 2016 Grant starts

11 Optimizing Cost-of-Care Conversations Between Clinicians and Vulnerable Patients

12 12 Background Conversations about cost can lead to better health outcomes. Patients and clinicians want to talk about costs, but these conversations are not happening as frequently as they should. Barriers reported by clinicians include: (1) discomfort discussing financial issues; (2) challenges presenting options to patients; (3) fear of reducing trust. Barriers reported by patients include: (1) Discomfort discussing finances; (2) low health literacy & language barriers; (3) psychological effects of scarcity. Often, vulnerable populations face added barriers, e.g., trust.

13 13 What we are looking for Studies that will test specific messages, best practices, and other principles for improving cost conversations between clinicians and vulnerable patients. RWJF will prioritize: Rapid testing, message research and consumer involvement Focus on trust between clinicians and vulnerable patients RWJF will fund a range of projects across different types of vulnerable patients, types of care settings, and geographic areas

14 14 What we are looking for Major areas of interest include, but are not limited to: Key approaches/best practices to inform the creation of tools, guides and resources. Key principles for creating a trustful environment How key approaches vary depending on care setting, type of care being provided, and different patient/clinician demographic characteristics. Information that is most useful to vulnerable patients and clinicians when having these conversations.

15 15 CFP Highlights Total Awards Up to $1 million will be available under this CFP Project funding can be up to $250,000 for studies of up to 12 months Four to six studies will be funded Studies with varying budget levels will be funded

16 16 CFP Highlights Select Eligibility Criteria All researchers as well as practitioners an public and private policymakers working with researchers, are eligible to submit proposals through their organizations. Applicant organizations must be based in the U.S. or its territories. Preference will be given to applicants that are wither public entities or non profit organizations that are tax exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the International Revenue Code and are not private foundations or Type III supporting organizations.

17 17 CFP Highlights Applicants will be selected based on The novelty and significance of solutions explored The incorporation of consumers (specifically vulnerable populations) and clinicians. The approach to addressing issues of trust between patients and clinicians. A strong methodology The incorporation of different populations, care settings, types of care being provided, and/or geographies.

18 18 CFP Highlights Applicants will be selected based on Ability to produce and share lessons quickly Qualifications & expertise Timeline & budget

19 19 Timeline July 27, 2016 (3 p.m. ET) Deadline for receipt of full proposals September 15, 2016 Notification of finalists December 1, 2016 Grant starts

20 20 How to apply Integrating Cost-of-Care Conversation Resources into the Clinical Workflow Visit and use the Apply Online Optimizing Cost-of-Care Conversations Between Clinicians and Vulnerable Patients Visit and use the Apply Online If you have already used the Apply Online link, you will be required to register at http://my.rwjf.org

21 21 Questions? For any additional questions, please review our FAQs. You can find a link to the FAQs on the upper left-hand side of the MyRWJF application system. If you have additional questions, please direct inquiries to: Domitilla Masi, senior associate at Avalere Health Phone: (202) 446-2215 Email:

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