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ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 1 File I/O in PHP Persistent Data.

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1 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 1 File I/O in PHP Persistent Data

2 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 2 Persistent Data Storage  Problem in mini-assignments:  Information gathered in forms and variables is only temporary– this info will disappear as soon as the page is reloaded or when the user navigates to another page.  Sometimes you need a way to keep data around between program executions (e.g. page loads)  Sometimes you need a way to share data between programs (e.g. between pages)  Three ways of more permanent (or persistent) data storage exist:  Files  Databases (we won't discuss these until ITM354)  Cookies/Sessions (we will discuss these shortly)

3 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 3 Persistent Data Storage: Products  Let's say you have product data: Small Gumball; 0.02; Medium Gumball; 0.05; Large Gumball; 0.1;  This could be saved in a text file such as "product_data.dat"  How to use this data for our e-store?

4 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 4 File Basics Files are controlled with "file pointers", which must be created before files are used. To open a file: $fp = fopen("name", ) This creates a handle or file pointer, called $fp The name can be in UNIX style (../../file.txt), Windows style (..\..\file.txt), a URL (, or some other data stream (e.g. ftp). will be discussed next slide…

5 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 5 File Opening Types  'r' - Open for reading only; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file.  'w' - Open for writing only; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file and truncate the file to zero length. If the file does not exist, attempt to create it.  'a' - Open for writing only; place the file pointer at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, attempt to create it.

6 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 6 More File Opening Types  'r+' - Open for reading and writing; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file.  'w+' - Open for reading and writing; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file and truncate the file to zero length. If the file does not exist, attempt to create it.  'a+' - Open for reading and writing; place the file pointer at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, attempt to create it.  These are generally less useful and more confusing, so I advise not using them.

7 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 7 or die…  You can have PHP generate a specific error message if there is an error upon opening the file (permissions, disk space, etc.): $filename = "product_data.dat"; $h = fopen("$filename","r") or die("cannot open $filename"); Note the use of 'or', rather than '||'.

8 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 8 Closing Files Always close a file when you're done with it– if you don't something can easily go wrong and corrupt your file. fclose($fp); (fclose returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. ) Why is this needed? Do Exercise #1

9 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 9 File existence, Size of a file To check that a file exists, use: $filename = 'product_data.dat'; if( !file_exists($filename) ) echo "$filename does not exist!"; Often you will want the size of a file: echo "$filename is ". filesize($filename); Do Exercise #2

10 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 10 Basic File I/O Example: Opening a File for Reading  To open a file or a URL we use fopen(). $filename = 'c:\file.txt'; $fp = fopen($filename, "r");

11 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 11 Basic File I/O Example: Reading Info from a File  After we have opened the file, we will probably want to do something with it. To read the contents of a file into a variable we use fread(). $contents = fread($fp,filesize($filename)); fclose($fp);  Let us assume C:file.txt contains: 1: Hi there 2: Hello  So now $contents would be a string like: $contents = "1: Hi there\n 2: Hello\n"; Do Exercise #3

12 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 12 Basic File I/O Example: Writing To a File  We can also write data into a file once we have opened it. To do this we use the fputs() function.  $filename = 'c:\file.txt'; $fp = fopen($filename, "a"); $string = "3: G'day\n"; $write = fputs($fp, $string); fclose($fp);  So now what will the file contain? 1: Hi there 2: Hello 3: G'day Do Exercise #4

13 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 13 Basic File I/O Example: Reading Formatted Data  We can also read data from a file once we have opened it. To do this we use the fscanf() function. $filename = './file.txt'; $fp = fopen($filename, 'r'); while(fscanf($fp, '%d: %s\n', $number, $text)) { print "the text: $text is on line number: $number "; }; fclose($fp);  Prints the text: Hi is on line number: 1 the text: Hello is on line number: 2 the text: G'day is on line number: 3

14 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 14 Warning: reading using fscanf can be tricky.  It's easier to read a line at a time, using fgets() or fgetss()... and then use strtok(), split(), or explode() to grab individual parts of the line. More on Reading Formatted Data

15 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 15 <?php $fname = "test_file.txt"; // test_file.txt contains: $fp = fopen($fname, "r");// Dan Port;dport;portpass $size = filesize($fname);// Rick Kazman;kazman;kazpass // ITM352TA;itm352;password while($line_in = fgetss($fp, $size)) { echo "Got line: $line_in "; // $fields = explode (';', $line_in); $first = strtok($line_in, ";"); $second = strtok(";"); $third = strtok(","); echo "Tokens: $first / $second / $third "; } fclose($fp); ?> Reading Formatted Data: Example Code Do Exercise #5

16 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 16 File Permissions To read from and write to files, certain permissions are necessary. Since the web interacts with our pages as the group (www), you may need to add group read, write and/or execute permissions. Permissions are changed with the folder properties in Windows, and the chmod command in UNIX

17 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 17 PHP File Functions  PHP has many useful functions for manipulating files, such as:  fileread()  Reads a file into a string  file()  Reads a file into an array  unset()  Deletes a file  fileperms()  Provides statistics on a file  fscanf()  Reads a file in a particular format

18 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 18 Why Use Files?  Often data needs to be stored for later use  Programs aren't always running (especially true of web applications which run only when a page is loaded) and data needs to be shared between different executions  Data needs to be shared between different programs  Keep data in a known location  Keeping the code separate from the data is a good programming practice.  Can make files work like an array, except they will persist.  Can do fancy stuff like binary encoding (for efficiency) or encryption (for security)

19 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 19 Why NOT Use Files?  Typically users want simultaneous access to the data  Can't handle large amounts of data  No support for data analysis  No support for queries, reports, …  These ARE supported by relational DBs

20 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 20 Things you can do with files...  User registration data  Products and services information  Real time inventory  Message board (the registration signup)  Shopping cart  Anything that requires persistent data.....

21 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 21 Example: Project Registration Board (register_asst1.php: user registration input form) Please register your assignment #1 information. Be sure to verify that your description is different from any listed currently! Name: Describe your on-line store:

22 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 22 ( messboard_ass1.php ) <?php $messFile = "./assignment1_regs.txt"; if(!empty($_POST['name'])) { echo "YOUR REGISTRATIONS FOR ASSIGNMENT #1 HAS BEEN RECEIVED (SEE END OF LIST) "; $fp = fopen($messFile, "a"); $data = 'IP address:'. $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]. ' Name: '. $_POST['name']. ' '. 'Description: '. $_POST['description'].' '. " -------------- -------------------------------- "; fwrite($fp, $data); fclose($fp); } Example: Writing Posted Data

23 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 23 ( messboard_ass1.php cont ’ d ) if(file_exists($messFile)) { echo "CURRENT REGISTRATIONS FOR ASSIGNMENT #1 "; echo "----------------------------------------- "; $theFile = file($messFile); foreach($theFile as $value) { echo "$value\n"; echo " "; } } ?> Example: Reading Registrations

24 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 24 Example: Persistent Arrays function arrayfile_to_array($filepath) { // This function reads the file at $filepath and returns an // array. It is assumed that the file being read is a // serialized array (created using array_to_arrayfile) $fsize = @filesize($filepath); if ($fsize > 0) { $fp = fopen($filepath, "r"); $encoded = fread($fp, $fsize); fclose($fp); return unserialize($encoded); } else echo "$filepath does not exist!"; }

25 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 25 Example: Persistent Arrays (cont.) function array_to_arrayfile($theArray, $filepath) { // This function serializes an array in $theArray and saves it // in the file at $filepath. The file may then be converted // back into an array using the arrayfile_to_array() function) if($fp = fopen($filepath, "w+")) { $encoded = serialize($theArray); fwrite($fp, $encoded); fclose($fp); } else echo "Unable to write array to $filepath"; }

26 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 26 ITM 352 Debugging

27 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 27 Debugging  Debugging is a “black art”.  What we will discuss:  relation to testing  why debugging is hard  types of bugs  process  techniques  tools  avoiding bugs

28 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 28 Debugging and Testing  Testing and debugging go together like peas in a pod:  Testing finds errors; debugging repairs them.  Together these form the "testing/debugging cycle": we test, then debug, then repeat.  Any debugging should be followed by a reapplication of all relevant tests, particularly regression tests. This helps avoid the introduction of new bugs.  Testing and debugging need not be done by the same people (and often should not be).

29 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 29 Why Debugging is Hard  There may be no obvious relationship between the external manifestation(s) of an error and its internal cause(s)!!   Symptom and cause may be in remote parts of the program.   Changes (new features, bug fixes) in program may mask (or modify) bugs.   Symptom may be due to a human mistake or misunderstanding that is difficult to trace.   Bug may be triggered by rare or difficult to reproduce input sequence, program timing or other external causes.           

30 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 30 Types of Bugs  Types of bugs (gotta love em):  Compile time: syntax, spelling, static type mismatch.  Design: flawed algorithm.  Program logic (if/else, loop termination, select case, etc).  Memory nonsense: null pointers, array bounds, bad types, leaks.  Interface errors between modules, threads, programs (in particular, with shared resources: sockets, files, memory, etc).  Off-nominal conditions: failure of some part of software of underlying machinery (network, etc).  Deadlocks: multiple processes fighting for a resource.

31 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 31 The Ideal Debugging Process 1. Identify test case(s) that reliably show existence of fault (when possible) 2. Isolate problem to small fragment(s) of program 3. Correlate incorrect behavior with program logic 4. Change the program (and check for other parts of program where same or similar program logic may also occur) 5. Regression test to verify that the error has really been removed - without inserting new errors 6. Update documentation when appropriate Not all these steps need be done by the same person!

32 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 32 Debugging Techniques, 1  Execution tracing  running the program  print  trace utilities  single stepping in debugger  hand simulation/walkthroughs  Avoiding bugs  Comment as you code  Programming conventions  Reuse of known good code  Modularization  Test small pieces before combining them

33 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 33 Debugging Techniques, 2  Interface checking  check procedure parameter number/type (if not enforced by compiler) and value  defensive programming: check inputs/results from other modules  documents assumptions about caller/callee relationships in modules, communication protocols, etc  Assertions: include range constraints or other information with data.  Skipping code: comment out suspect code, then check if error remains.

34 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 34 Debugging with Print - 1  How debugging with “print” can be made more useful: –print variables other than just those you think suspect (use var_dump() or print_r() ) –print valuable statements (not just "hi\n"). –use exit() to concentrate on a part of a program. –move print through a through program to track down a bug.

35 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 35 Debugging with Print - 2  Building debugging with print into a program: –print messages, variables in useful places throughout program. –turn debugging messages on or off as needed ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); –possibly use a global find/replace to insert/remove debug statements.

36 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 36 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Error handling and logging ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; error_reporting is a bit-field. Or each number up to get desired error ; reporting level ; E_ALL - All errors and warnings (doesn't include E_STRICT) ; E_ERROR - fatal run-time errors ; E_WARNING - run-time warnings (non-fatal errors) ; E_PARSE - compile-time parse errors ; E_NOTICE - run-time notices (these are warnings which often result ; from a bug in your code, but it's possible that it was ; intentional (e.g., using an uninitialized variable and ; relying on the fact it's automatically initialized to an ; empty string) ; E_STRICT - run-time notices, enable to have PHP suggest changes ; to your code which will ensure the best interoperability ; and forward compatibility of your code ; E_CORE_ERROR - fatal errors that occur during PHP's initial startup ; E_CORE_WARNING - warnings (non-fatal errors) that occur during PHP's ; initial startup ; E_COMPILE_ERROR - fatal compile-time errors ; E_COMPILE_WARNING - compile-time warnings (non-fatal errors) ; E_USER_ERROR - user-generated error message ; E_USER_WARNING - user-generated warning message ; E_USER_NOTICE - user-generated notice message ; ; Examples: ; - Show all errors, except for notices and coding standards warnings ;error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT ; ; - Show all errors, except for notices ;error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE ; ; - Show only errors ;error_reporting = E_COMPILE_ERROR|E_ERROR|E_CORE_ERROR ; ; - Show all errors except for notices and coding standards warnings error_reporting =E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT ; Print out errors (as a part of the output). For production web sites, ; you're strongly encouraged to turn this feature off, and use error logging ; instead (see below). Keeping display_errors enabled on a production web site ; may reveal security information to end users, such as file paths on your Web ; server, your database schema or other information. display_errors = On ; Even when display_errors is on, errors that occur during PHP's startup ; sequence are not displayed. It's strongly recommended to keep ; display_startup_errors off, except for when debugging. display_startup_errors = Off

37 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 37 Avoiding Bugs in the First Place  Coding style: use clear, consistent style and useful naming standards.  Document everything, from architecture and interface specification documents to comments on code lines.  Hold code reviews.  Program defensively.  Use/implement exception handling liberally; think constantly about anomalous conditions.  Be suspicious of cut/paste.  Be consistent with layout, indentation, line spacing!

38 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 38 Code Reviews  Primary programmer(s) for some piece of code presents and explains that code, line by line.  Audience of programmers experienced in language, code's general domain. Audience may also contain designers, testers, customers and others less versed in code but concerned with quality and consistency.  Review is a dialogue: audience pushes presenters to reevaluate and rationalize their implementation decisions.  Extremely useful: reviews often turn up errors, inconsistencies, inefficiencies and unconsidered exceptional conditions.  Also useful in familiarizing a project team with a member's code.

39 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 39 Exercise: Debug the Following $product = array('name' => 'small gumball', price => '$0.34'); $tax_rate = 0.0434; $total = $product['price'] + $tax_rate * $product['price']; echo "A $product['name'] costs $total";

40 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 40 Exercise 2: Debug the Following <?php $prices = array(5.95, 3.00, 12.50); $total_price = 0; $tax_rate = 1.08; // 8% tax foreach ($prices as $price) { $total_price = $price * $tax_rate; } printf('Total price (with tax): $%.2f', $total_price); ?>

41 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 41 Exercise 3: Debug the Following <?php if (array_key_exists($_GET, ‘Submit’) { $j = ""; foreach($_GET as $key => $i) { if ($j = “Tyler”) echo “Found him!”; } else { ?> Name: Email:

42 ITM 352 © Port,KazmanFile I/O - 42 Exercise 3: Print Statements Help! <?php if (array_key_exists($_GET, ‘Submit’) { $j = ""; print(“The variables submitted via GET: "); foreach($_GET as $key => $i){ print("$key=$j "); if ($j = “Tyler”) echo “Found him!”; } } else ?> Name: Email:

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