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Any bright gets attention. This is the reason why projectors have long been popular as a medium of instruction. The lighted screen is a silent shout-

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Presentation on theme: "Any bright gets attention. This is the reason why projectors have long been popular as a medium of instruction. The lighted screen is a silent shout-"— Presentation transcript:


2 Any bright gets attention. This is the reason why projectors have long been popular as a medium of instruction. The lighted screen is a silent shout- a shout likely to be heard and heeded even by the most reluctant learners”

3 was a common form of still image instructional multimedia, once commonly used by educators in primary and secondary schools (K12), now overtaken by newer and increasingly lower-cost full- motion videocassettes and DVDsstill imagemultimediavideocassettesDVDs

4 A device used to view a filmstrip. The term filmstrip refers to a roll of 35mm transparent film containing a series of related still pictures shown one at a time.


6 Is a device to view photographic slides. The term slides refers to a small format photographic transparency individually mounted for one-at-a-time projection Slides are made by taking pictures with a slide film, processed, and then mounted in a 2 by 2 inch mounts.



9 Is a box with a large stage on the top surface. A lamp from inside the box is condensed by a special lens and passes through the transparency that is placed on the stage.

10 Ways in Creating Overhead Transparencies: Direct Drawing Method a method where in content is drawn or written directly on the transparency using a marking pen. Thermal Film Process a master is prepared on an ordinary paper using heat-absorbing material such as India ink, ordinary lead pencil. Or any substance containing carbon.

11 Electrostatic Film Process (Xerography) transparencies are prepared using plain paper copying machines. A master is prepared on plain paper and then photocopied. Computer-Generated transparencies are prepared with the use of computers and then printed on an inkjet or laser printer.

12 Is a device which displays opaque materials by shining a bright lamp onto the object from above.

13 is a type of video projector for displaying video, images or computer data on a screen or other flat surface. It is a modern analog of the slide projector or overhead projector. To display images, LCD (liquid crystal display) projectors typically send light from a Metal halide lamp through a prism that separates light to three poly silicon panels – one each for the red, green, and blue components of the video projectorslide projectoroverhead projectorliquid crystal displayMetal halide lamp


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