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Diabetes Type One By: Lan Truong Professor: Dr. Don Williams Course of Summer 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Diabetes Type One By: Lan Truong Professor: Dr. Don Williams Course of Summer 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diabetes Type One By: Lan Truong Professor: Dr. Don Williams Course of Summer 2010

2 What is Diabetes? hild.jpg Diabetes is a disease that causes one’s body own immune system which normally fights harmful bacteria and viruses to mistakenly destroy the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

3 The difference between a person who has no diabetes and a person who has diabetes. Type one diabetes pancreas and normal pancreas.

4 What causes type one diabetes? Unhealthy eating habits Child born nine pounds or more. Inheriting it from family genes. Environmental surroundings(viruses affecting the pancreas)

5 What is hyperglycemia? Hyperglycemia is when one has an abnormally high level of glucose in the blood which means when one has a very un-normal high blood sugar. http://www.just-diagnosed-diabetes- x320.jpg

6 What is hypoglycemia? Hypoglycemia is one has an abnormally low level of glucose in the blood which means when one has a very low blood sugar. 555933_3217f9d17b.jpg

7 Symptom's of hyperglycemia Frequent Urination, Dry Skin, hunger, extreme thirst, Blurred Vision, Drowsiness, Nausea, and Decreased healing.

8 Symptoms of hypoglycemia Shaking, Fast Heartbeat, Sweating, Dizziness, Anxious, Hunger, Impaired Vision, Weakness Fatigue, Headache and Irritable.

9 Without properly treating type one diabetes, it can put one in risk of … Heart disease. Heart attacks. Strokes. Kidney disease. Nerve damage. Digestive problems. Eye damage. Blood vessel damage. Impotence or difficulty urinating. Tooth and gum problems. Foot issues.

10 Supplies for treating type one diabetes. In order for the type one diabetic children to maintain their blood sugar, they need to test their blood sugar two to four times a day depending on how many times they eat. It should be in the target range of “70-140”. Glucose monitor Finger stick to get blood using a lancet. Test strips Insulin pen lancet Pump monitor Insulin pump Test strips Finger stick Test Strip

11 Insulin Pump and key tone supplies Humalog Cleansing pad Insulin pump Sheer-t needle Insulin, is when you inject the insulin In your body to control the blood sugar. When you blood sugar Is higher than 240 or above, you take out your key tone strip to test to see which color your urine matches. Key tone strip Key tone

12 Hi, my name is Kevin and I have type one diabetes.

13 Preparing to inject the pump.

14 Pump injecting.

15 Visualization of the full pump injection. The pump delivers the insulin directly into your body. ge/insulin-pump.jpg

16 Glucagon Emergency Kit for low Blood Sugar This Glucagon is used for when you are unconscious before you go to the emergency room.

17 Lantus Lantus is used before you go to bed to maintain your blood sugar through out the night. It is also only used for children/adults who do not use a pump.

18 Ways to help your child cope with diabetes Be aware of common emotional issues and reactions. Encourage your child to eat healthy and exercise Talk and listen. Treat your diabetic child the same way from a non diabetic child. Be active with the diabetic team.

19 Continue… Keep doctors information safe and in handy. Check blood sugar before and after activities. Carry diabetes kit and snack while away from home. All family members should be aware how to help the diabetic when needed. Family members should learn as much as you can about diabetes so that you can help your loved one.

20 The symbol representing that one has diabetes.

21 Information work sites sesDiabetes.php sesDiabetes.php

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