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Welcome to my lecture! Hi, I’m Wei Jun!. Case Huang Ying, femal,35years old Having no child ! amenorrhea for 40 days ; spot vaginal bleeding for three.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to my lecture! Hi, I’m Wei Jun!. Case Huang Ying, femal,35years old Having no child ! amenorrhea for 40 days ; spot vaginal bleeding for three."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to my lecture! Hi, I’m Wei Jun!

2 Case Huang Ying, femal,35years old Having no child ! amenorrhea for 40 days ; spot vaginal bleeding for three days;sudden abdominal pain for 2 hours.

3 her face pale, blood pressure 12/8Kpa,the pulse is weak and rapid.tenderness and rebound tenderness on abdominal palpation sharp pain on motion of the cervix;tender mass on the left side of uterus culdocentesis:bloody fluid(did not clot) urine HCG(+)

4 Amenorrhea HCG test (+) pregnany Abdominal tenderness and rebound tendness Intraabdominal bleeding What disease will you think of first?

5 Ectopic pregnancy

6 Definition Pregnancy in any location other than the body cavity of the uterus is considered ectopic. Definition Pregnancy in any location other than the body cavity of the uterus is considered ectopic. Ectopic pregnancy>extrauterine pregnancy




10 What will happen in tubal gestation?








18 Why does she get tubal gestation ? Retardation of the passage of the fertilized ovum from fallopian tube to uterine endometrium caused by chronic salpingitis chronic salpingitis too long oviduct too long oviduct

19 What will you do to treat her? Conservative therapy **Operation Replacement of fluid and Replacement of fluid and blood+ salpingectomy blood+ salpingectomy or conservative surgical or conservative surgical treatment treatment

20 summury Typical triad: Ammenorrhea abdominal pain vaginal bleeding HCG (+) ultrasound: extrauterine embryonic sac, extrauterine embryonic sac, intraabdominal fluid intraabdominal fluidculdocentesis: non-coagulated blood non-coagulated blood

21 Thanks!

22 summury Ectopic pregnancy tubal pregnancy tubal pregnancy ovarian pregnancy ovarian pregnancy cervical pregnancy cervical pregnancy broad-ligment pregnancy broad-ligment pregnancy intra-abdominal pregnancy intra-abdominal pregnancy

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