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Mediengemeinschaft für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen e. V. Media Association for Blind and Vision Impaired Persons.

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Presentation on theme: "Mediengemeinschaft für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen e. V. Media Association for Blind and Vision Impaired Persons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mediengemeinschaft für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen e. V. Media Association for Blind and Vision Impaired Persons

2 The Beginning: 1894 Leipzig 1905 Hamburg 1916 Marburg … Central Library? Leipzig Hamburg Marburg German Empire 1871-1918

3 1949 - 1990 DDR German Democratic Republic - Leipzig BRD Federal Republic of Germany Talking Book Libraries formed: Hamburg, Berlin (West), Münster, Bonn, Marburg, Stuttgart, München ….. -Role of Associations of the blind -Assoc. of Talking Book and Assoc. of Braille Libraries - No funding from Government - Funding from regional gov.

4 Since 3rd October 1990

5 Facts GERMANY Federal Republic Population 82.000.000 16 states 1 official language: German 7 Libraries for the blind

6 Facts AUSTRIA Parliamentary Republic Population: 8.232.000 9 states Official language: German 1 Talking Book Library

7 Facts SWITZERLAND Swiss Confederation Population: 7.500.000 26 Cantons Official languages: German, French, Italian, Romansh 5 Libraries for the blind

8 3 May 2007Elke Dittmer

9 Members of Medibus Full Members (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) - 6 Libraries (Talking Books and Braille) - 4 Libraries (Talking Books only) - 2 Braille producer - 3 Assoc. of the Blind - 5 smaller services for blind Associate Members - 8 Libraries from 4 Countries

10 Working Environment - history, tradition, political federal system - Assoc. based on german language - 3 diff. national Copyright Laws - Funding through membership fees - Central Office with staff - Contract with VG WORT (reproductive rights organization!! - Medibus member of DAÌSY Consortium => One overall Assoc. – one legal body

11 Production Centralized - Coordination of Production - One Catalogue of Talking Books and one of Braille Books - VG WORT Decentralized - Production - Conversion A to D - Exchange

12 Distribution of books to blind and visually impaired people (“only”) Centralized - One Catalogue of Talking Books and one of Braille Books Decentralized - Clients service - Distribution on CD (on demand and/or off the shelf) - DAISY: User Information (Library and Assoc. of the Blind)


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