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Why apply for a postdoctoral fellowship? Securing your own funding opens doors for postdoctoral positions Good experience at proposal writing Opportunity.

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Presentation on theme: "Why apply for a postdoctoral fellowship? Securing your own funding opens doors for postdoctoral positions Good experience at proposal writing Opportunity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why apply for a postdoctoral fellowship? Securing your own funding opens doors for postdoctoral positions Good experience at proposal writing Opportunity to demonstrate independent thinking Resume building

2 When should you apply for postdoc fellowships? Before you defend your thesis Too late?? As Soon As Possible! -- The clock is ticking on your eligibility -- The longer you are in a postdoc position, the higher the bar is for preliminary results

3 What fellowships should I apply for? NIH “Societies” -- ACS, AHA, Leukemia Private Foundations: JCC, DR, HHW Foreign postdocs -- home country sources NATO-EMBO, etc. HOW MANY? -- 4-6 maximum

4 How do I decide upon a project? In consultation with your advisor… …the more you contribute the better Your ideas Your writing Three Key Elements: Sure thing Significant Goal Home Run

5 Format for proposals: You need 2-page, 5-page, 10 page versions: Specific Aims (Goals) Background Significance Preliminary Studies Experimental Plan -- Have many people read your proposal… …reviewer panel is very general -- It takes many rounds to clarify the writing

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