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The Geosciences Network (GEON): Human Environment Regional Observatories (HERO): Learning Activities in Digital Libraries:

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Presentation on theme: "The Geosciences Network (GEON): Human Environment Regional Observatories (HERO): Learning Activities in Digital Libraries:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Geosciences Network (GEON): Human Environment Regional Observatories (HERO): Learning Activities in Digital Libraries: This research is funded by: NSF BCS-9978052, (HERO) NSF ITR (EAR)-0225673 (GEON) NSF/JISC Digital Libraries for Education NSF ITR (BCS)-0219025 A situated representation of Cyberinfrastructure resources Mark Gahegan and Bill Pike GeoVISTA Center, Department of Geography The Pennsylvania State University, USA

2 Inspiration  “Knowledge keeps no better than fish” -- Alfred North Whitehead  “You cannot put your foot in the same stream twice” -- Heraclitus  “You can know the name of a bird in all the languages of the world, but when you're finished, you'll know absolutely nothing whatever about the bird... So let's look at the bird and see what it's doing -- that's what counts.” -- Richard Feynman

3 We need systems that better describe the concepts we employ  Science is dynamic  Concepts used change and evolve  Concepts are situated … in place, in time, in tasks, in knowledge schemata, among individuals and communities  Thus, static, unsituated concepts (and ontologies and knowledge maps) will produce static science  We need methods to support dynamic and situated concept development, sharing, and application

4 What’s in the soup? A nexus of knowledge structures (Whitehead, 1923)

5 CreationApplication Represented by Who did it? Who should use it? Collections of people Where was it made? Where does it apply? Collections of sites / scales When was it made? When does it apply? Collections of temporal intervals How was it made? How should it be used? Collections of methods and data Why was it made? Why should it be used? Collections of research questions, motivations, theories Situations in CyberInfrastructure

6 1. Situating e-resources in the knowledge nexus

7 Seismic Analysis Concept Map (GEON: Randy Keller)

8 …situated among data and methods

9 …and people (individuals and communities)

10 Perspectives example : (Articles and their authors, CiteSeer Communities in ConceptVista)

11 End Questions?

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