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Officer Candidate Class 055 (OCS) will Conduct and complete a Defensive FTX on 14 NOV 2014 through 15 NOV 2014 within the limits of Camp Blanding in order.

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Presentation on theme: "Officer Candidate Class 055 (OCS) will Conduct and complete a Defensive FTX on 14 NOV 2014 through 15 NOV 2014 within the limits of Camp Blanding in order."— Presentation transcript:

1 Officer Candidate Class 055 (OCS) will Conduct and complete a Defensive FTX on 14 NOV 2014 through 15 NOV 2014 within the limits of Camp Blanding in order to train as future commissioned leaders in the U.S Army. Phase I - Completed Prior to Drill weekend Soldiers update ruck packing Soldiers correct equipment deficiencies Soldier implement hydration plan Soldiers prepare for Candidate-led AWT Classes Recon of FOB and familiarization of area Phase II – Day 0 Pre drill prep: Soldiers will report to RTI Thursday 12 NOV 2015. Equipment and sensitive items will be issued, labeled, and tied down for accountability purposes. Phase III - Final Preparation and Execution of 7 mile Ruck: The Final Preparation and Execution phase begins 13NOV 2015. This phase will consist of finished PCC's and PCI's. Soldiers will be checked on understanding and briefed on safety considerations. Execution: Defensive FTX will begin 14NOV2015 with a 7 mile ruck march. Upon completion, the FOB will be set up and candidate led AWT Classes will begin. Completion: Complete a HANDS ON sensitive items check – including items stored on Transport Any issues will be reported to the COC immediately Prepare for next POI – Movement to OCS Area and Recovery OPS AWT Classes Operate SINCGARS Single-Channel (SC) Perform Exterior Movement Techniques During an Urban Ops Enter a Building During an Urban Operation Perform Voice Communications Select Temporary Fighting Positions Move Over, Through, or Around Obstacles (Except Minefields) REQUEST MEDEVAC Report Intelligence Information SITUATION MISSION COMMANDER’S INTENT SAFETY COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS COMMAND & SIGNAL All Candidates compete 24-hour FTX, without injury, lead all WTBD Classes, and maintain 100% accountability of soldiers and equipment throughout. Command: PL, PSG,1 st SL, 2 nd SL. Signal: Methods of Communication (PACE): (1) Primary - SINGARS Radio (Frequency TBP) (2) Alternate -Voice (3) Contingency - Hand and Arm Signals (4) Emergency - Cell Phone As of 14OCT15 OPORD- OCS Class 055 Defensive FTX (14NOV2015-15NOV2015) Student leadership will conduct a safety briefing 14 NOV 2014. OIC will complete a CRM for operations. Medical staff implemented from start to finish. SITUATION OCS Class 055 will successfully complete a Defensive FT Leaders Recon Route: TBD (need 2 and date of recon) S-4 Detail:TBD (need 6)– secure and PMCS required equipment. S-6 & RTO's: TBD (need 4)– Setup PMCS SINGARS – conduct functions check and load daily FREQ QRF: TBD (need 3) TASKS TO SUBORDINATES POC OC Kellerman PL 904-814-1826 Participate in a 24-hour FTX, conduct candidate- led AWT classes, and maintain accountability of all sensitive items, Defend the FOB. END STATE TIMELOCATION 14 NOV 15BARRACKS 0345-0410Hygiene / ruck prep 0410-0415Hallway accountability - 0415-0505FTX equipment movement to trans 0505-0530Bus movement to SP 0530-0600Final PCC / PCI – safety brief 0600SP - Start 7 mile ruck 0830EP – move into completion phase 0830-0840 Establish 100% accountability PCC/PCI's - Move off to Breakfast 0840-0900 Ammunition Issue / Establish FOB / Box Breakfast 0830-0900 Personal hygiene/Prepare for field OPS 0900-1200 Candidate led AWT classes Concurrent – Lunch (MRE) 1200-1400Communicate Tactical Radio Class 1400-1900 Candidate led AWT classes Concurrent – Dinner (MRE) 1900-2200Defensive Operations Class 2200-2210 Accountability of all Personnel / Equipment 2210-2230Personal Hygiene 2230-0330Rest Plan / Fire Guard 0330Wake-Up Call Pack Equipment 0330-0350 Pack Equipment / Personal Hygiene 0350-0440 PCC/PCI/Police Call/Range Clearance 0440-0445 Accountability of all Personnel / Equipment 0445-0450Movement to OCS Area

2 OCCUPATION OF THE DEFENSE SITUATION PREPARATION FELXIBILITY COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS SECURITY & DEFENSIVE PLANNING Defenders seek to mass the effects of overwhelming combat power where they choose and shift it to support the decisive operation, or Main Effort (ME). Disrupts the attacker’s tempo and synchronization by countering his initiative and preventing him from massing overwhelming combat power. Never permit the enemy to acquire an unexpected advantage. As of 14OCT15 CONOP- OCS Class 055 Defensive FTX (14NOV2015-15NOV2015) The defender must be agile enough to avoid the attacker’s blows and then strike back effectively. Derived from sound preparation and effective C2. Ability to shift the Main Effort (ME). Aggressive Recon and Surveillance (R&S). Retention of a reserve. Preparation in depth such as alternate and supplementary positions PURPOSE To defeat an enemy attack To gain time to prepare for other operations To allow a higher commander to concentrate forces To control key enemy forces as a prelude to offensive operations To retain key or decisive terrain AREA DEFENSE POC OC Kellerman PL 904-814-1826 MASSING EFFECTS & DISRUPTION Use METT-TC to identify potential friendly and enemy weaknesses Synchronize the concept of the operation with all available resources Ensure 360 degree security with WPN systems Begin Recon and Surveillance (R&S) plan immediately Where / How to defend Sequence of the defense Types of positions Occupation plan Security plan Reserve Fire control measures DEFEND A STRONG POINT Hold key or decisive terrain. Block an avenue of approach. Canalize the enemy. A strong point is defended until the unit is formally relieved or ordered out. A strong point defense includes: Reinforcing each individual fighting position to withstand small-arms fire, mortar fire, and artillery fragments. The stockpiling of food, water, ammunition, tools, and medical supplies. Construct formidable obstacles and minefields. Construct range cards for each position and confirm them by fire. PERIMETER DEFENSE Platoons prepare a perimeter defense when there are no friendly units adjacent to it. Disperse the platoon into a circular configuration for 360 degree security; actual shape is terrain dependent. SEQUENCE OF THE DEFENSE Prepare for combat Move to defensive positions Establish defensive positions Locate the enemy Initiate contact / Actions on enemy contact Fight the defense Consolidate & Reorganize CONSIDERATIONS Defend in depth Create mutual support as much as possible Use passive and active security measures Make maximum use of key weapon systems (to include indirect fire weapon systems Decide on obstacle composition and location Emplace machine-guns along likely dismounted avenues of approach Emplace anti-armor weapons against likely mounted avenues of approach Make maximum use of offensive action OCCUPATION PLAN Prevents confusion Establishes security quickly Allows parallel planning Allows priority of work to commence ASAP PRIORITY OF WORK Establish security Position key weapons Clear fields of fire and prepare range cards Prepare fighting positions SECURITY PLANS Active Measures Recon and Surveillance patrols Stand-To / Stand-Down Ground Surveillance Radar (GSR) Passive Measures Noise, Light & Litter Discipline Radio Silence Camouflage Counter-reconnaissance RESERVE At platoon level, the reserve may consist of a rifle squad, fire team, or the platoon headquarters element. Some situations require committed forces to "be prepared" to act as a reserve. The primary purpose of the reserve is to regain the initiative through counterattack. Emplace obstacles and mines Prepare alternate positions Establish work rest plan Stockpile ammunition, food, and water ENGAGEMENT AREA Where the commander intends to trap and destroy an enemy force using the massed fires of all available weapons. Determine where you want to kill the enemy Usually along likely enemy avenues of approach. Plan & emplace obstacles. Emplace direct fire weapons. Plan indirect fires. Rehearse the execution of operations in the engagement area.

3 SITUATION COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS 1 st Squad – OC LISTON SL Notes: 7 MILE TACTICAL RUCH MARCH- Limited conversation from the OCs. Leadership will be communicating IAW the PACE methods of communication. Leadership will be moving around ensuring proper spacing and looking out for their candidates. Everyone is a safety. OCs will be Spaced 5 meters apart. The Tactical Road March Formation will be staggered with the left side of the road leading (see diagram). In the event contact is made with enemy forces, all OCs will quickly move of the road into the tree line if possible then immediately drop his/her ruck and take up a defensive position behind the ruck facing the direction of contact. All further instructions will be taken from the PL, PSG and SLs. OPORD- OCS Class 055 Defensive FTX (14NOV2015-15NOV2015) TASKS TO SUBORDINATES POC OC Kellerman PL 904-814-1826 2 nd Squad – OC KNIGHT SL3 rd Squad – OC TYSON SL4 th Squad – OC MULE SL 7 MILE TACTICAL RUCK MARCH DEFENSIVE FTX 5 meters Leading on left side of road followed by 3 rd squad. Will identify 2 road guards. Will identify 1 Radio Operator for PL. Squad will keep 5 meter spacing at all times. Squad will be staggered from parallel squad. All flashlights will have red lens. Leading on right side of road followed by 4 th squad. Will identify 2 road guards. Squad will keep 5 meter spacing at all times. Squad will be staggered from parallel squad. All flashlights will have red lens. Fall in on left side of road behind 1 st squad. Will identify 2 road guards. Squad will keep 5 meter spacing at all times. Squad will be staggered from parallel squad. All flashlights will have red lens. Fall in on left side of road behind 2 nd squad. Will identify 2 road guards. Will identify 1 Radio Operator for PSG. Squad will keep 5 meter spacing at all times. Squad will be staggered from parallel squad. All flashlights will have red lens. Stand-To single file along East wall to the left of the Guard Tower (as facing it from inside the FOB) closest to the South EP in front of 2 nd squad. (see FOB Security and Defense Planning) Maintain accountability of all sensitive items and personnel at all times. If leaving the FOB (METT-TC dependent) Primary position- outside of South wall Alternate- Outside of East wall Supplementary- East wood line Stand-To single file along East wall to the left of the Guard Tower (as facing it from inside the FOB) closest to the South EP behind 1 st squad. (see FOB Security and Defense Planning) Maintain accountability of all sensitive items and personnel at all times. If leaving the FOB (METT-TC dependent) Primary position- outside of East wall Alternate- Outside of South wall Supplementary- East wood line Stand-To single file along North wall to the right of the North EP (as facing it from inside the FOB) in front of 4 th squad. (see FOB Security and Defense Planning) Maintain accountability of all sensitive items and personnel at all times. If leaving the FOB (METT-TC dependent) Primary position- outside of North wall Alternate- Outside of West wall Supplementary- West wood line QRF Team Stand-To single file along North wall to the right of the North EP (as facing it from inside the FOB) behind 3 rd squad. (see FOB Security and Defense Planning) Maintain accountability of all sensitive items and personnel at all times. If leaving the FOB (METT-TC dependent) Primary position- outside of West wall Alternate- Outside of North wall Supplementary- West wood line Notes: Defensive FTX- 220014NOV2015 – 053015NOV2015 The FOB will be defended until the Platoon is relieved or ordered out. Each fighting position will be defended from 2200- 0530 IAW the FOB Security and Defense Plan by reinforcing each individual fighting position (the defense towers) to withstand small-arms fire, mortar fire, and artillery fragments. Food, water and ammunition will be stockpiled and obstacles, (barriers placed outside of EPs) will be constructed. A range card will be constructed for each position. In the event the FOB is determined to be uninhabitable, a perimeter defense will be established IAW the Alternate Perimeter Defense Plan as no friendly units are anticipated to be in the area. Stand-To will be conducted at 2200 and 0350 and will account for all sensitive items and personnel. Defensive positions will be the 4 defensive towers, 2 EP gate guards (1 at each gate), and 2 roaming guards. Gate and roaming guards will be equipped with M16A2 rifles. The weapon systems for the defensive towers are detailed in the FOB Security and Defense Plan. Those in defensive positions during rest plan hours will be considered Fireguard.

4 NORTH (RTI is due South) FOB Urban Ops Training Site Training Site Layout Alternate Perimeter Defense Location

5 NORTH Field Formation Site Trash Collection Medical South Gate EP Legend Defensive Towers Change Station / Male Rest Area Female Rest Area HQ/QRF Assembly Indirect Shelter North Gate EP Latrines FOB OVERLAY

6 NORTH South Gate EP Legend M240B Location M249 Location Indirect Shelter North Gate EP Latrines FOB Security & Defensive Planning 1 st and 2 nd Squad Stand-To 3 rd and 4 th Squad Stand-To

7 Sector of Fire 1 st Squad 2 nd Squad 4 th Squad 3 rd Squad PL & PSG SL SITUATION LOCATION OCs will be spaced 5 meters apart in defensive fighting positions CONOP- OCS Class 055 Defensive FTX Alternate Perimeter Defense Plan PERIMETER DEFENSE Platoons prepare a perimeter defense when there are no friendly units adjacent to it. Disperse the platoon into a circular configuration for 360 degree security; actual shape is terrain dependent. SPACING Will be established in the open field North of the Urban Ops Training Site and South of the Southern EP to the FOB. NORTH South EP to FOB Urban Ops Training Site SPACING OCs will be spaced 5 meters apart in defensive fighting positions Alternate Perimeter Defense Plan

8 Urban Ops Training Site NORTH (RTI is due South)

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