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Unit 13 TYLER MIHELICH. Major concepts  Psychological Therapies  Psychoanalysis: Invented By Sigmund Freud  The aim of it was to gain insight on the.

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2 Major concepts  Psychological Therapies  Psychoanalysis: Invented By Sigmund Freud  The aim of it was to gain insight on the origins of certain disorders  They used multiple methods for this such as resistance, interpret, transferring.  Psychodynamic therapy  They try to understand patients symptoms to then explore there thoughts and feelings.

3 Major concepts  Humanistic therapies  Humanistic therapist focus more on the present and future than the past.  Conscious rather than unconscious  And taking Immediate responsibility for ones feelings and actions  Than Carl Rodgers came up with Client-centered therapy which allows the client to drive the therapy session rather than the therapist  Active listening

4 Major Concepts  Behavior therapies  Is where you learn certain principals to get rid of unwanted behavior.  Than Ian Pavlov came up with some classical conditioning techniques  Counterconditioning: uses classical conditioning to evoke new responses to certain stimuli  Exposure Therapies  The most common being systematic desensitization which is where you expose the patient to a stimuli more and more until they get over there fears  VR exposure therapy

5 Major Concepts  Cognitive therapies  Aaron Beck came up with a therapy for depression by studying there dreams and helping them get rid of those depressing dreams  Cognitive-behavioral therapy  Which not only aims to change the way you think but it also attempts to change the way you act.  Group Therapy  This allows others to realize that other people have similar problems and they can help each other out in acting in new ways.  Family therapy

6 Major concepts  Drug therapies  Psychopharmacology which is the study of drug affects on the mind and behavior  Antipsychotic Drugs  These drugs provide help for schizophrenia and hallucinations  But a down side to the medication can be long term use can lead to tardive dyskinesia  They target dopamine and serotonin receptors  Antianxiety Drugs  Depresses the central nevus system in an effort to calm you down, and create a real calm relaxed mood.

7 Major Concepts  Antidepressant Drugs  These drugs work by increasing the amount of norepinephrine and serotonin that is produced  Though these drugs are very effective they can cause some very major side effects. Which can then cause people to stop taking them.  Mood-Stabilizing drugs  These drugs can be as simple as salt or lithium.  These drugs really help people who have emotional highs and lows all the time

8 Major Concepts  Brain Stimulation  Electroconvulsive therapy is jolted with 100 volts of electricity to the brain  The point of this is to manipulate the brain through shock treatment  Magnetic stimulation  Is where they send multiple magnetic waves into the brain to suppress brain activity.  This is a very painless procedure and it doesn't produce seizers or memory loss  Psychosurgery  Major psychosurgery is the lobotomy which is where they stick an ice pick through the top of your eye into your brain

9 Major People  Sigmund Freud created the first psychological therapies. And assumed psychological problems fueled by child-hood residue  Carl Rodgers developed humanistic technique such as client- centered-therapy also came up with active listening  Maslow created the hierarchy of needs  Pavlov created classical and aversion conditioning  Aaron Beck came up with the therapy for depression  Egas Moniz developed and performed the very first lobotomy

10 Major vocab  Therapy: a general term for any treatment process; in psychology and psychiatry, therapy refers to a variety of psychological and biomedical techniques aimed at dealing with mental disorders or coping with problem of living.  Psychological therapies: therapies based on psychological principles (rather than on the biomedical approach); often called "psychotherapy."  Biomedical therapies: treatments that focus on altering the brain, especially with drugs, psychosurgery, or electroconvulsive therapy.  Insight therapies: psychotherapies in which the therapist helps patients/clients understand (gain insight into) their problems.  Psychoanalysis: The form of psychodynamic therapy developed by Sigmund Freud. The goal of psychoanalysis is to release conflicts and memories from the unconscious.  Humanistic therapies: treatment techniques based on the assumption that people have a tendency for positive growth and self-actualization, which may be blocked by an unhealthy environment that can include negative self-evaluation and criticism from others.

11 Major Vocab  Behavior therapy: any form of psychotherapy based on the principles of behavioral learning, especially operant conditioning and classical conditioning.  Active listening: a therapist gives the speaker feedback in such forms as nodding, paraphrasing, maintaining an expression that shows interest, and asking questions for clarification.  Antipsychotic drugs: medicines that diminish psychotic symptoms, usually by their effect on the dopamine pathways in the brain.  Antidepressant drugs: medicines that affect depression, usually by their effect on the serotonin and/or norepinephrine pathways in the brain.  Resistance: in psychoanalysis, the blocking from consciousness of anxiety-laden material.  Interpretation: in psychoanalysis, the analyst's noting supposed dream meanings, resistances, and other significant behaviors and events in order to promote insight.  Transference : in psychoanalysis, the patient's transfer to the analyst of emotions linked with other relationships

12 Mnemonics  3-listen to me (active listening)  8-the gate is blocking consciousness(Resistance)  Types of therapy Psychodynamic- Pete Client Centered- Can Behavior- Beat Cognitive- Carl’s Family- Friends  Types of therapist Counselors- Cute Psychiatric- Panda’s Clinical- Can Psychiatrist- Pounce  Types of drugs Antipsychotic drugs- A Antianxiety drugs-Average Antidepressant drugs-Apple

13 Quiz 1. Antipsychotic drugs block which neurotransmitters? A) GABA/Dopamine B) Norepinephrine/Dopamine C) Dopamine/Serotonin D) GABA/Epinephrine 2. Psychological therapy known as psychoanalysis was introduced by A) Sigmund Freud B) Albert Ellis C) Aaron Beck D) Carl Rodgers

14 Quiz 3. Who performed the very first lobotomy A. Egas Moniz B. Sigmmund Freud C. Carl Rodgers D. Ivan Pavlov 4. Which type of drug would you use to help with schizophrenia A. Antianxiety B. Antidepressent C. Mood-stabilizing drugs D. Antipsychotic

15 Quiz 5. Which of the following is NOT commonly associated with psychoanalysis? A. Brief treatment involving only 2-3 sessions B. Dream analysis C. Free association D. Resistance 6. What is the analysist noting supposed dream meanings? A. Resistance B. Interpretation C. Transference D. Active listening

16 Quiz 7. What does antipsychotic drugs help with A. Paranoia B. Depression C. Anxiety D. Schizophrenia 8. What did Aaron Beck come up with A. Therapy for depression B. Therapy for Anxiety C. Lobotomy D. Antipsychotic drugs

17 Quiz 9. In psychoanalysis therapist use with method A. Resistance B. Insight therapy C. Active listening D. Client-centered therapy 10. What was Carl Rodgers major discovery A. Transference B. Client-centered therapy C. Insight therapy D. Resistance

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