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Effects of the Civil War Billy Yank Johnny Reb Our Boy 2/6/27:44-31:44.

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Presentation on theme: "Effects of the Civil War Billy Yank Johnny Reb Our Boy 2/6/27:44-31:44."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effects of the Civil War Billy Yank Johnny Reb Our Boy 2/6/27:44-31:44

2 Divided Loyalties ► Kentucky  Native State to Both Lincoln & Davis  Sought to be neutral  Strategic locale = major battlefield ► A Brother’s War  Robert E. Lee ► Descendant of Light Horse Harry Lee & Martha Washington ► Served in Army 30 yrs ► Opposed secession ► Chose Virginia over United States

3  Winfield Scott ► U.S. Commander-in-Chief ► Guided careers of both Union & Confederate Officers ► Chose United States over Virginia  Frank Buchanon ► Commander of Merrimack ► Sank Union ship Congress ► Knowing his brother was on board  William Rufus & James Barbour Terrill ► buried by their father in a single grave over which the tombstone reads: ► 'Here lies my two sons. Only God knows which was right'.

4  Mrs. J.E.B. Stuart ► Husband Led Confederate Cavalry ► Father led Union Cavalry  Mary Todd Lincoln ► 1 brother, 3 half brothers & 3 brothers-in- law in Confederate Army ► Branded Copperhead by media & Washington Society ► Death of son Willie (11) and assassination of Lincoln ► Ended life in insane asylum

5 First Modern War ► Used on large scale for first time:  Railroads, repeating rifles, gatling gun, ironclad ships, telegraph, barbed wire, balloons, the draft  Improved Range & Accuracy on all weapons Art of Death 2/8/44:03-47:04

6 African Americans in the Military Left: Jackson a slave. Right: Jackson a Drummer Boy for the United States Colored Troops.

7 African Americans in the Military ► Contraband: escaped slaves  Used as guides, spies, common laborers ► All Black Regiments  54 Massachusetts Infantry  used at major sieges ► Union Army 10% African American—segregated  Union Navy 25% African American—integrated  38,000 died out of 200,000 ► African American Women Served as Nurses & Spies  Harriet Tubman, Susie King Taylor

8 Changes as a Result of the War ► Freed 3.5 Million Slaves ► Political Power Shift to North  protective tariff  Transcontinental Railroad  Homestead Act ► Growth of Big Business & Government The Higher Object 3/8/1:02:23-1:07:58

9 Casualties ► Greater than all foreign wars till WWI ► 600,000 dead, 1 in 13 men ► wounded included large numbers of permanently disabled ► Shiloh & later battles 30% dead Shiloh 2/7/31:49-43:25 Antietam 3/7/44:55-57:53

10 Southern Devastation ► Sherman’s March  Broad, black streak of ruin & desolation  Vacant & deserted homes, warehouses, farms, towns ► Barren Land—No Crops ► Widows & Orphaned Children ► No Law & Order  Wandering Gangs of Looters  Homeless, starving  Ex-slaves with no place to go

11 Status of Freed Slaves ► no money, property, homes, food, jobs, friends ► search for family ► 40 Acres & a mule ► Freedman’s Bureau  Rent land to ex-slaves  Established schools

12 Key Issues facing Reconstruction ► What to do with the South After the Civil War?  Punish? Help rebuild? Leave alone? ► What was owed to the Freed Slaves  What were their rights?  Where would they live & how?  What was their status in society?

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