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Alice Final Project Web Design. Alice Final Project You have a choice of two scenarios: 1. A game of some sort. You must devise a score-keeping mechanism.

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Presentation on theme: "Alice Final Project Web Design. Alice Final Project You have a choice of two scenarios: 1. A game of some sort. You must devise a score-keeping mechanism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alice Final Project Web Design

2 Alice Final Project You have a choice of two scenarios: 1. A game of some sort. You must devise a score-keeping mechanism to let the user know when they have won (or completed) the game. 2. An Advertisement. You must create an interactive advertisement for something. The user should be able to click on various parts of the screen and different actions should occur.

3 Requirements n You can work in teams of 2 if you want. n You and your partner are to devise a storyboard for the overall animation. Prepare the storyboard as something you can show the class. Complete this before you start programming your project! n Your animation must use at least four methods and at least one function that you and your partner have written. Each partner should be responsible for writing the code for at least two methods. n Parameters must be used for at least two of the methods/functions.

4 Requirements n You must use a loop or while statement somewhere in the code (a BDE structure is also acceptable). n If you add sounds to your animation you will receive 10 extra credit points. n Each person must prepare their own write- up for the project that describes how you and your partner split up the work for the project. Also describe which of the methods/functions you wrote, what kinds of statements you used and why you used them.

5 Rubric AREAPOINTS Storyboard10 Program that meets one of the 2 Scenarios20 4 Methods (5 points each)20 1 Function5 Parameters5 Loop or While statement10 Class Presentation20 Write-Up10 Sounds (10 points extra credit) Total100

6 Alice Final Project n Complete Instructions are on the Hancock Web Site in the homework section. n Due at the end of class on Friday March 28, 2014

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