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ERC proposal based on SuperB PID Guy Wormser LAL Orsay.

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Presentation on theme: "ERC proposal based on SuperB PID Guy Wormser LAL Orsay."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERC proposal based on SuperB PID Guy Wormser LAL Orsay

2 Advanced ERC grant scheme Yearly call for proposal Maximum 3.5 M€ (if big equipment needed) – Can be shared at will between material cost and personnel 5 years time-span Most important success criterion is PI recognition Most difficult obstacle for experimental HEP proposal is to avoid the « little part of a big project » syndrom 2012 schedule: deadline November 22

3 Proposal Quartz ID General goal: build a multi-purpose center of excellence for quartz-based PID in Europe – Physics with PID – Quartz procurement and qualification – Quartz shipping/handling and assembly – Electronics – Associated photodetectors – System tests Partly triggered by the necessity to replicate some of SLAC facilities due to « SupeB suspension » there

4 Multi experiments SuperB but also – UA9 – Panda – Belle II – ….

5 Very useful visit to SLAC Extremely valuable facilities – Bar handling and assembly (5 m long! ) – Fblock handling (80 kg) – quartz qualification mechanical and optical Many thanks to Jerry and Blair Discussions with D. McFarlane: use of SLAC facility(es) still open if external money available – Could be extremely useful for wedge assembly

6 Deliverables A/ Quartz-ID center at LAL Quartz procurement specifications and industrial contacts Quartz qualification center Handling and assembly procedures and tooling Photodetectors qualification Integrated electronic chain System test bench with cosmic rays B/ SuperB Procurement, assembly and tests of quartz blocks Reception, test and assembly of the BABAR quartz bars On site assembly and commissioning Performances monitoring First physics results C/ Other projects Collaboration with BELLE-II on quartz procurement and tests Participation to UA9 experiment for fast sensors Contacts established with PANDA

7 Budget Equipment Quartz machining, reception, characterization and handling center 800 k€ Fast electronics 150 k€ Quartz procurement 400 k€ Quartz assembly in LAL and on site 100 k€ Consumables etc 200 k€ Total 1.85 M€ Human resources PI and LAL team at no cost SLAC team support 300 k€ 2 Post-docs for 5 years 1 M€ 1 project engineer 3 years 250 2 PhD students 200 k€ Total 1.75 M€ Travel 100 k€ Grand total 3.5 M€

8 Conclusion/open questions Should this project be submitted ? Who wants to be included? Difficult to include physics output from SuperB given the schedule. (any other physics source ?)

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