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AGENDA  “Housekeeping”  Middle Ages Game!!  “Feudalism & Manor Life” Notes  Feudalism Chart  Feudalism & Manorial System Reading & Chart  Homework:

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Presentation on theme: "AGENDA  “Housekeeping”  Middle Ages Game!!  “Feudalism & Manor Life” Notes  Feudalism Chart  Feudalism & Manorial System Reading & Chart  Homework:"— Presentation transcript:

1 AGENDA  “Housekeeping”  Middle Ages Game!!  “Feudalism & Manor Life” Notes  Feudalism Chart  Feudalism & Manorial System Reading & Chart  Homework:  Finish Feudalism & Manorial System Reading & Chart

2 King Noble A Vassal A1 Peasant A1Peasant A2 Vassal A2 Peasant A2 Noble B Vassal B1 Peasant B1 Vassal B2 Peasant B2

3 Feudalism Questions:  What need would the nobles and king have for all that food and material?  What choice did the peasants have?  Why did feudalism work?

4 FEUDALISM & MANOR LIFE World History March, 2016

5 The Emergence of Feudalism  After the fall of Rome Europe was divided into smaller kingdoms  Invaders threatened safety  Feudalism = loosely organized system of gov’t  relies on mutual obligations  Agreement between members of society  Whole gov’t revolves around promises and agreements  Known as a feudal contract


7 A Structured Society King Lord Vassal Knight Peasant/Serf

8 Kings & Queens  King is the head of society  Owns & Controls lands  Sets rules guidelines  Collects taxes  Land was divided up & given to feudal lords  They ruled freely  Made king a “figurehead ruler”

9 The World of Nobles  Nobles were part of the respected elite  Both Lords & Vassals  Had power to rule fiefs  Fief = plot of land  Were like governors of an area  Varying level of wealthy & royal power

10 Medieval Knights  Knights had to be of noble birth  Nobles trained from childhood  Rigorous training  Job is to protect the people on a manor  When there was less feudal warfare – fought in tournaments  Operated under a code of chivalry

11 Medieval Knights  Knights had to be of noble birth  Many nobles trained from childhood for an occupation as a knight They often went through harsh and rigorous training  Job is to serve his lord and protect the land  As feudal warfare decreased in the 1100s, tournaments became popular  This allowed knights to win land, money and popularity  Knights adopted a code of conduct called chivalry

12 Feudal Warfare  Each manor operated independently  Had their own laws, economy, produce, army  W. Europe was NOT united at this time  Lords who led each manor wanted power  Land gives power Resources Farmland People  Because of this, feudal warfare was very common  Feudal Warfare = war or fighting between the different feudal manors  Knights would defend their lords from invaders and other lords and their armies

13 Manor Life  The heart of the medieval economy  Manor = lord’s estate  The manor was self-sufficient  The economy was based on mutual obligations  Peasants gave their lord a lifetime of labor  In return the lord allowed peasants to farm for themselves & gained protection  Manors included…  A few dozen one room huts  Water mills  A small church  The manor house/castle  Strips of farmland



16 Peasant Life  Most peasants on manors were serfs  Serf = peasants bound to the lord’s land They were not slaves who could be bought of sold but they also were not free  Life was harsh  They worked long hours  Their diet was very basic, only what they could produce  They slept in 1 room houses with any animals that they owned  They could only work according to the season  They made up the majority of the population

17 Feudalism Chart  In small groups you should create a visual representation of feudalism. Your poster should include:  Feudal roles/positions  Duties and responsibilities  Feudal contract  Images or pictures that help represent feudalism

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